Now, I know what you're thinking, and my clothes are not on backwards. A very grave matter, indeed. There's no monsters on the porch, you ninny. Why aren't you happy happy happy? Carl: What do you mean, don't go to the family? You get it? Then by his suprise the ball of paper hits him in the head, he throws it again trying to figure out what's happening, and Wilbur jumps out from behind the building and throws the crumpled ball of paper back to him which lands on the crate, then jumps back to the wall next to the door] Hey, what're you doing up here? I'm not allowed to look at this thing let alone drive it! [takes out the picture of the memory scanner and shows it to Lewis]. Wilbur: Oh, no! Even when I'm wrong, I'm right. So he starts working! Surely that is not the best you can do. Franny: If you aren't up here in five minutes, I'm gonna come down and get you. Wilbur: Have you been approached a tall man in a bowler hat? I invented it myself. Lewis: There is no bowler hat guy, there is no time machine and you're not really from the future. [stops Mr. Willerstein, realizing something] Oh, wait! You're not going to die. Uncle Art: Egads! Lewis: [thinks for a moment] Alright, under one condition - I fix it, you take me back to see my Mom. Lewis: Why do you keep saying that? However, you didn't see her true potential... Bowler Hat Guy: So you shut her down... or so you thought. I have never been more relaxed in my life! Hey - quit movin' in there. Wilbur: I am so dead. Wilbur: Come on. Don't force me to take drastic measures. Charlotte: Course, I don't really *eat* them, I drink their blood. Wilbur: He keeps working and working until finally, he gets it! Charlotte A. Cavatica: Wilbur, we're born, we live, and when our time comes, we die. Jake: Finch, wren, scrub bird, lorikeet, freckled duck, galah, kookaburra, parrot, cockatoo, albatro... Jake: Negative, 1-3! Wilbur: The boys back at HQ haven't figured out a motive yet. There's nothing. Lewis: [grabs his bag] Agh, here we go again. Carl: You, uh... [considers this] [normal voice] Good point. Browse more character quotes from Meet the Robinsons (2007), just before Lewis is about to leave to go back to the past, Lewis gives confused look then looks at Cornelius, heads over to the time machine and climbs in, Lewis looks at the Robinson family all smiling at him, Wilbur closes the hatch and starts the time machine which takes off, Lewis waves good-bye to the Robinsons as Wilbur and Lewis go back to the past, sees Bowler Hat Guy and gasps and attacks him, pries Wilbur off the Bowler Hat Guy and Wilbur is struggling to get free, at the science fair after Lewis puts his memory scanner on the table, Wilbur pops out from underneath the sheet covering the memory scanner, starts to leave but Wilbur drags him back in, Lewis tries to say something but Wilbur covers his mouth, the Bowler Hat Guy has just gotten the time machine back, heads to the past to pass the memory scanner as his own, in the past the Bowler Hat Guy has entered Invenct Co, in the past Bowler Hat Guy is showing off the memory scanner, in the past Bowler Hat guy is signing a contract, flys into the sky turns into a ball of light, flies over the Robinson yard and is sucked into the sky, Lewis is on the roof disappointed that his memory scanner failed, he rips out the page with the picture of the memory scanner out of his notebook, crumples it into a ball and throws it away. Carl: If this thing ever blows over, I really gotta get away from you and get some quiet time. It's impossible. Charlotte: He'll make a perfect breakfast for me. Lewis: And what if I can't fix this? Ring it! [Adult Yagoobian cackles as the flashback ends]. Wilbur: Yeah, she's all right but we woun't be as soon as Big Frank gets wind of this. 'Cause you're 12 and I'm 13! Charlotte A. Cavatica: No, Wilbur. Or, what's left of it. Enough is enough. Carl: Oh, yeah, can't see that one blowing up in your face. That you can understand / I don't honk, I don't *eep*, I don't even squeak or squawk / When I wanna say a-something, I open up and talk, I can talk, I can talk, talk, talk, I can... Wilbur: What are they? - Meet the Robinsons (Released 3/3/07). What are we gonna do? [camera pulls back; Wilbur's head really is in a vice]. I'm very disappointed in you, Bernard. Just as soon as cold weather sets in, they'll kill you. They didn't laugh, either. a dream of winning a Little League championship. Carl: And I didn't want to tell you, but I did. Together we made the perfect team. Ring it! Templeton: I don't think I like your tone. Wilbur: Wh-what are you doing? Doctor: I'm not convinced. And do I get thanked? We're talking plans, we're talking scale models, we're talking prototypes! Over! He's in trouble! Dark day at the Robinson household. Alone, rusting in a corner. Wilbur: You and twenty million other guys. Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she--. Lewis: I think that's it. Oh, no! Movie: Meet the Robinsons And don't call me 'Goob'! Lewis: [Wilbur is still looking around to see if anyone is watching them] But we're the only ones up here! I said that already. Wilbur: Look Chick, it's a little past sunset and if Dracula is here he's gonna be wanting breakfast, and I'm fatter than you, and it ain't gonna be me. I think "terrific" will impress Zuckerman. Aunt Petunia: What is all the yelling out here? Cornelius: She's right. It would serve you right if you had an acute attack of indigestion. Is she all right? Wilbur Robinson is the son of Franny and Lewis "Cornelius" Robinson and the deuteragonist of. / Isn't it grand? Bowler Hat Guy (Future Goob): Doris, it's all over! Andy: Wait a minute. Templeton: [hiccups] Hooray for Charlotte. She soon reactivated and escaped, meeting Bowler Hat Guy, who was egging and toilet papering the Robinsons Industries b… Where's Valerie? Stay in those eggs! Lewis: Forgetting--Oh, right. No! Lewis: [confused] Why would my hair be a dead giveaway? Everything well ripened, seasoned with the passage of time and the heat of the day... Oh, it was rich, my friends, riiiiiich! Wilbur: If my parents figured out I brought you from the past, they'll bury me alive and dance on my grave! Bud, Fritz, and Joe are brothers. [Wilbur smiles jumps behind him, grabs him and starts pushing him to one of the edges of the orphanage]. Wilbur: If my family finds out that I brought you from the past, they'll bury me alive and dance on my grave! Wilbur: Oh, no. Lewis: Take a good look around, Doris, 'cause your future's about to change. Lewis: Tallulah and Laszlo are their children. Wilbur: [escapes to the window] You'll never take me alive! Nice work, my friend. Wilbur: First, he goes in the garage, away from everybody, I show up and give him the pep talk of the century. Bring me the epidermal tissue disrupter! Templeton: [sarcastically] This *has* been a night. the Disney 2007 animated film, Meet the Robinsons. Hello? Well, say, Lewis, you haven't seen any teeth around here, have you? "A fair fare." [tears up the drawing]. Did you find it? Wilbur: Yes! Wilbur: [looking at Charlotte's new web, at the fair] It's a great word. Now Wilbur's scared to death. I gotta find her and explain. Wilbur: There won't be a future unless you fix the time machine! But the kid that warned him about the guy is here on … Do you understand? Mr. Willerstein: Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants. There's only 2 Time Machines in existence, and the Bowler Hat Guy has the other one! You messed it up yourself, you just focused on the bad stuff when all you had to do was... let go of the past and... keep moving forward. As a little girl, she is assertive and knows karate. How many evil villains do you know who can pull off a name like Goob? This is ridiculous. I'm gone. Bowler Hat Guy: I don't care! Wilbur: [Wilber bangs his head into the fence and runs]. It's just the natural cycle of life. Wilbur: Time continuum task force. Lewis: [pries Wilbur off the Bowler Hat Guy and Wilbur is struggling to get free] Let him go! What if something happened to them? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Wilbur: Relax? Don't you think she's a little... uh... what's the word? Wilbur: Kidnapped? He decides that he's a failure and no one wants him. Franny: Mister, you're grounded 'til you die. Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding! Get it off. Wilbur: I just told him that to buy some time. Wilbur: Keep moving forward. The best part? This, my friend, is merely a model, because unfortunately, time machine number two is in the hands of the Bowler Hat Guy! My head is! Wilbur is the son of Franny and Cornelius. Qoute. So he starts working! Well, hey, there, little fella! Bowler Hat Guy: We retreated to our villainous lair, where Doris spun a tale of deception and woe. You'll have to turn back! Lewis: (muses for a moment) Okay, Cornelius is married to Franny and her brothers are Gaston and Art. I'm afraid your jolly little holiday will have to wait. She usually takes the Harley. Student 2: Cool binder, want to come over to my house today? Bernard: The kidnapper took the boy and Jake... and Miss Bianca. I'm ignoring you for time reasons. Wilbur: Carl, what are you talking about? I'd have bought a dog if I wanted my ear licked. Your mother's trying to take a nap. Wilbur: The answer is not a time machine. I'll be there in 30 minutes, or it's free. Wilbur: [jumps out and covers Lewis's mouth and starts looking around to see if anyone is around] Shh, you're blowing my cover! - Wilbur: It's what he does.” Jordan Fry - Lewis Wesley Singerman - Wilbur Carl: Uh, well, it's not- it doesn't pertain to anything in partic- y'know, there's not necessarily go... Carl: Uh, there's a 99.999999% chance that you won't exist. Wilbur: Since I saw him in the boys’ bathroom at the Lakers game and he gave me a thrumbs up and in that moment our souls touched… Laszlo: Nasty #s: bob's burgers #meet the robinsons #mtr #disney #wilbur robinson #incorrect quotes #talluah & laszlo #laszlo & wilbur #tallulah & wilbur I'M NOT EXAGGERATING! Wilbur: Okay, I didn't want to pull rank on you but you forced my hand. Now the real battle begins. Wilbur: You'll get your kids back when the gallery show is over. Charlotte A. Cavatica: Then it is the *perfect* word. Aunt Petunia: I don't want to hear any more. Bleh! Wilbur: [when Wilbur is showing Lewis the future] Is this proof enough for you? But on the slight chance that I do... Carl: "On the slight chance," yeah. The bowler hat guy messes with his invention and it fails. Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: They all hated me. Dimitri: No, no, no, no, ring my doorbell! We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Wilbur: Yes, you can! How can we not go to the family in this time of family crisis? By leaving the garage door unlocked, you let the time machine get stolen, and now the entire time stream could be altered! Gaston: Then perhaps it's time for spicy Italian sausage. This puppy is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of the movie to get the dialogue. Lewis: But you have no idea what that could do to this future! Bowler Hat Guy: They all hated me. Wilbur: No! ... #disney #meet the robinsons #au #50's au #la familia del futuro #wilbur robinson #cornelius robinson. Hope he ain't got rabies. Wilbur: That's right, you can. Ohhhhhhh, no! [grabs the picture, rips it up and throws the pieces away]. And I'm gonna tell you this, it will not be done with mercy! [Templeton gazes toward the ceiling and sees Charlotte's egg sac]. As Wilbur and Violet are from different series, they have never met in canon. I'm an American citizen, buddy! Lewis: I can go back to that night and stop her from giving me up. 2021. He's perfectly fine. Based on the novel "A Day With Wilbur Robinson" written by William Joyce; published by Harper Trophy, 1990. Frankie: You ask me over And over and over. (Wilbur starts to push him on to the edge of the roof) Hey, where are we going? I haven't slept in eight days! (Bowler Hat Guy laughs; Frankie does monotone laughing). In the U.S. version, Wilbur tells Lewis that his father, Cornelius, looks like Tom Selleck, who happens to be the voice-actor. Is this a non-stop flight to Australia? Harbour: Is there anything there? Bowler Hat Guy: Uh, did you just say "excellent" because I said "excellent"? Goose: I'm no flibberty-ibberty-gibbit! We'll go back to the barn and I'll take care of you! Have you seen My peacock-feathered hat? I can definitely say no. Franny: So Lewis, are you in Wilbur's class? Wilbur: I tracked him to this time and my informants say he's after you. [runs off]. And you managed to bust this one as well! Wilbur: But he doesn't give up! [Sighs]. Wilbur: [over radio] Mugwomp Tower! It is loosely based on the 1990 children's book A Day with Wilbur Robinson by William Joyce, who also worked on the film's art design and executive produced with John Lasseter and Clark Spector. Why did you have to crash in? Invented by Cornelius Robinson as a 'Helping Hat' that would assist wearers in small tasks, Doris soon rebelled against her creators and took control of the test wearer. [Last lines, Wilbur is still at Marahute's nest]. Lewis: OK. Cornelius is married to Franny, and her brothers are Gaston and Art. When Wilbur's father shows up at the end of the film, he looks nothing like … So he invents a machine that looks through your brain so you can see your memories. And where are you? Lewis: Let go of me! Ram: Oh, it's a matter of status. Lewis: [after the Tyrannosaurus crashes through the wall] Why didn't you tell me you had a pet dinosaur? Reporter: [over the radio] Whiz kid Cornelius Robinson graduates from college at age 14 - This year's Nobel Prize goes to a young Cornelius Robinson. Wilbur: Templeton, Charlotte is very sick. Wilbur: Do it and you'll get dibs on my slop for the rest of my life. Come on! Wilbur travels from 2007 to the year 2037, a thirty year period. Carl: [deep, echoing voice] Who dares to disturb my sanctuary?! And I can tell you this, it will not be done with mercy. Free to run wild through the house on Saturday mornings, free to have cookies and milk, and get those little white mustaches, you know? Doc: But he can't get in. A Day with Wilbur Robinson (1990) is a children’s picture book written and illustrated by William Joyce. You're kiddin' me, right? Frankie: I won't repeat everything you say. Lewis: THAT'S for not locking the garage door! You have your meals brought to you in a pail. Time Travel now, questions later! Chick Young: Now listen, Talbot. Nobody feeds me. Turns out there used to be a psychotic maniac serial killer that frequented these parts. 4 Apr. That makes me older! Wilbur: If I prove to you I'm from the future, will you go back to the Science Fair? No is no is no. You didn't even follow through on our last deal! Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: Well, it's a long and pitiful story, about a young boy with a dream. Released in United States 2007 (Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema (Premiere) August 31-September 9, 2007.) Wilbur: What am I worried about? And don't just say, 'keep moving forward. I'd like to go with a family of realists. Lewis: Oh, yeah captain time travel? But on the slight chance that I do... Carl: Slight chance, yeah, you know what, I'll run the numbers! [Lewis tries to say something but Wilbur covers his mouth]. So I need you to help me take her egg sac with us. But what was it like? Yes! His motto, 'Keep moving forward.' [Charlotte looks up at her web, which says "HUMBLE"]. This was your mother's doorway. 'Wolf Call' O'Brien: Interesting problem. You may think owning The Hardy Har Joke Shop is all drudgery. Wilbur: Wilbur: This can't be happening! 60 milligrams! Wilbur: [turning to Chick in the locker] Is that serious? Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: [the scene changes to Yagoobian in the orphanage] If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have caught the ball, and we would have won! Bowler Hat Guy: Doris, get it off! Reporter: Cornelius Robinson rebuilds Inventco... Robinson reaches out to... Cornielius Robinson... Cornelius Robinson is now... Now here's another amazing... Bowler Hat Guy: It was then that I realized it wasn't 'my' fault. I know that. She was loyal, brilliant, beautiful, and she was my friend. Lewis: This? Wants to build a time machine. The first working time machine! [pulls Lewis over to the wreck] You're smart, you fix it! [Loads a syringe of tranquilizer onto a shotgun]. However, I think what really impressed me was its movie adaptation, Meet the Robinsons (2007) that Jzhun also lent me together with the book. Wilbur: You licked my ear. Charlotte: [chuckling] Certainly not. Wilbur: Templeton, if you weren't so dopey, you would have noticed that Charlotte's made an egg sac. Wilbur: It's as dull as ditchwater. Wilbur: You see, the right woman will always make you feel like a good man. We'll search this place. Art: Quad Four, Alpha Omega Galaxy, needs a large cheese-and-sausage thin-crust? If I were any more relaxed, I'd be dead! Wilbur: That's just what they want you to think. Wilbur: [about Charlotte] She's dying! Just climb down. Lewis: [Lewis is on the roof disappointed that his memory scanner failed, he rips out the page with the picture of the memory scanner out of his notebook, crumples it into a ball and throws it away. [Lewis starts to run and bumps into Wilbur]. Michael "Goob" Yagoobian: [the scene changes to Yagoobian in the orphanage] If I hadn't fallen asleep, I would have caught the ball! See more ideas about wilbur robinson, wilbur, robinson. He goes back to the science fair, fixes his Memory Scanner, thus restoring the space-time continuum. Carl: Apparently not. Wilbur: Maybe you forgotten I'm a time cop from the future. As well as the fact that Violet is also a Pixar character. Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she...? I'm going for a drive. Lewis. They mass produce his inventions. I will not ever sit on those eggs! Bowler Hat Guy: Well, it's a long and pitiful story, about a young boy with a dream. For more, check out Do you understand? I must be dreaming! She can't go home with us. Wilbur Quotes: Wilbur: Pop quiz: Who have you met, and what have you learned? You just focused on the bad stuff when all you had to do was... let go of the past and keep moving forward... 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