It's about us. Who do you think is more likely to get that promotion: you, or Mr. However, there’s always something you can do. This site is not intended to provide and does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. But what if you decide to learn a new skill? Thank you so much to all that support us. Things move forward and develop because of the them. It’s so much easier to blame everyone else for my problems and to use this as an excuse for doing nothing. Maybe. Even if you resist or avoid it, it will enter your life just the same. You grow and learn new things every time something changes. The only person who is going to change your life is you! So why not learn from it? To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. Change is inevitable. ... implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity or a substitution of one thing for another. Dealing with challenges stretches us and helps us grow. In general, when looking back, I realize that all the good things in my life are the results of changes that occurred in the past. Frequent changes make you easily adapt to new situations, new environments, and new people. Change can bring about a new attitude, a new lease on life. Change is unavoidable, so why fight it? One never knows what each change may bring. 7 Facts About Change (And Why You Can’t Live With... Anti-Aging Techniques to Keep you Healthy and Young at Heart. Without change, there’d be no improvements. They must never be unwelcomed or considered scary. People usually avoid changes and prefer to stay in their comfort zones, but I am true believer that once you get the courage and take the first step to change, your life will become much better. How working fewer hours could benefit you - plus, the one tip that made all the difference. When we do something for the first time, we try to find a rhythm and adapt ourselves to it. Often we give up because we cannot accomplish the difficult task of making a huge and immediate change. You’ll be a better person for what you’ve experienced. "It's just something that lots of people like to do, and that won't change." Things are about to change on this channel. Click to opt-out of Google Analytics tracking. Embrace the fact that it will come, and you’ll be better prepared to face it when it arrives. It results in incremental improvements consistent with the existing culture of the organization. Ani Alexander has left her 10+-year career and is transforming her writings from hobby to profession. Embrace this knowledge and you’ll be less stressed. If you manage to do all three at once, big changes can happen even if you don’t have a lot of power and resources. Do you disagree, and avoid it whenever possible? Change is hard because you brain is wired to do the same thing over and over, regardless if that activity is good or bad for you. When crazy things happen, it can make us feel helpless. But remember that even if you can’t control what happens around you, you still get to decide what you’re going to do about it. Certain things such as time are always going to change, because it waits for no man and woman. But are the unplanned and unexpected changes bad? I choose to uh, do certain things. I’m really tired of this world, How 10 Minutes of Daily Meditation Can Calm Your Mind and Relax Your Body. Focus on the positive outcomes, and remember that you’re never stuck. This is the first time I’ve written a post that was centered around quotes. Learn from the different circumstances you encounter so that you can move boldly into the future. As a result you do not freak out when something unexpectedly shifts. We also know how challenging it can be to go through change, but the positive consequence is really awesome. Her Blog is about how to increase possibilities of fulfilled, happy, successful life. Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. Changes are an unavoidable part of your life. Change may be inevitable, but it can be hard for business leaders to identify the nature, scale, and timing of the change that is appropriate for their company’s specific context. Don’t stress out over “what-ifs“. It's not about me. The more you encounter it, the better you are able to deal with it (whether it is positive or negative). It is about closing one chapter and opening another one. Click here to read more. As a result, apart from the professional experience I learned how to resolve conflicts with difficult colleagues and how to work with unbearable bosses. Jeffrey James enjoys figuring out how life works. Changing the way we do things is one of the most difficult things to do. Your stories and your wisdom are just as meaningful as mine. One shift at a time, small changes will eventually lead you to the desired big one. More often than not, change is a sweet thing. I certainly think so. We need to do things differently to make that happen. This is the type of change most organizations strive for and achieve. Finally, the big change I initiated by quitting a good job and embracing the passion of writing made me truly happy and satisfied. Or think outside of the box? The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions. So next time you get the temptation to avoid or resist the change, aim instead to initiate the ones that will lead you to where you want be. Once we learn to be OK with feelings of discomfort we can achieve wonderful things. It’s about having faith and trust in that one thing or power when everything else seems to go dark. The second line of the Serenity Prayer asks for “the courage to change the things I can.” This is the gulp-and-swallow part. As operating environments become more dynamic, both the benefits and risks of change become amplified. I have been embracing change since a young age. If you’re being treated for cancer, your sense of taste might be thrown off by: Though I run this site, it is not mine. Sometimes great things come out of life’s twists and turns. So here are seven facts that will show you why you can’t (and shouldn’t) live without it. You’ll never experience the best parts of life if you avoid things that are new or different. You can’t escape it. The change brought love, peace, and comfort into my life. Or maybe too slowly? Each change is a turning page. In order to change your thinking, you have to dig deeper into what it is that’s causing a reaction. Of course, not all change … I choose to smoke- stop smoking pot. If you’re living under immense stress—in work, home, or social life—it’s time to make a change. That is how your life would be without changes. Intentional Reasons You choose to change. You learn lessons even from changes that did not lead you to where you wanted to be. … … If there’s one thing that’s a sure sign of a need for change it’s this: stress. Was it more interesting than following the same formula each week? At first it is a bit difficult and annoying, but after a while you get used to the change so much that if it doesn’t come for a while, you end up moving the furniture at home in order to feel something changing. Career related changes brought self-confidence. One Question for Anyone Who’s Stuck in a Rut: What Do You Believe? Changes will bring new choices for happiness and fulfillment. Overcoming the tough period will make you stronger. That’s because small changes, with time, can snowball into something much, much greater. It’s the unknown that really shakes us. Cancer Treatment. One of the most valuable things I have learnt about change is to learn how to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable because change happens outside the comfort zone and that feels uncomfortable. I choose to get married. Changes trigger progress. There will be times in your life where you will face rejection, and there will be people who will not like you or your choices. Of course, not all change ends up being good. Sometimes you just have to let go. I choose to lose weight. Ani Ali Davies • 9 years ago Yes Ali, that's true. First of all, four things cause people to change, you and I. Change opens up new doors that you never could have imagined. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. When you initiate the change yourself, it’s pretty easy to adapt to it, since it’s a wanted one. Change: the act, process, or result of making different. Introducing the Incredible New JoyBand Pedometer! Sometimes great things come out of life’s twists and turns. How could I expect different results then? The 10 Rules of Change Change isn't easy, but it is possible: an expert offers 10 rules to change. All Rights Reserved. Choosing to make changes is hard. The more things change, the more they are the same. But even if the it is negative, the fact that you endured a change can be healthy. You won’t always know what’s going to happen, but that’s okay. Over time, it helps you learn to handle conflict and disappointment when it comes (Pro Tip: it’s much better to learn this on small things so you’re ready when the big things hit). Thanks to them I became more flexible and open-minded. “If you do not create change, change will create you.” ~Unknown. The main character Harold Crick does the same things in exactly same time for years. Sometimes we get so caught up in fighting change that we put off actually dealing with it. That’s often 5-7 years; only then do most people not want to go back to Egypt. Alphonse Karr. Posted by Jeffrey James | Sep 9, 2013 | Featured, Mindset | 3 |. During my life I have lived in five countries and in over twenty-five apartments, changed five schools and about five different careers. What if all changes were good by default? The Surprisingly Simple Secret to High Self-Esteem, Determine What Will Make You Happy by Identifying Your Values, Live by Your Values and Everything Else Will Fall into Place, look at certain things from a different perspective, Confused whether I was actually lead on by my closest guy friend, Married to an emotionally unavailable man, I found out he was married and Im obsessing about him, Santé! That is when small changes become extremely valuable. There are some things, like the weather and the stock market, that you cannot change. The biggest change in life occured when I got married. Here are the 5 things the mailer does well: Plain language . It’s really that simple. But transformation happens when people own the changes. Plus, these small improvements can add up. Or take on a tough project? Each of the career shifts brought knowledge and new experiences. The most basic thing that all philosophers observed was change … GET MORE FUN & INSPIRING IMAGES & VIDEOS. Focus on the positive outcomes, and remember that you’re never stuck. When you think about change, do you agree that it is a good thing? Before using the site, please read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. It doesn't matter if you're going through a small change or a big one — doing something totally different than you're used to is terrifying. #1. By Stan Goldberg published September 1, 2002 - last reviewed on June 9, 2016 Change can be scary. He leads a completely dull, extremely predictable, and uninteresting life. It's ours. Sometimes it can be positive – business growth or a pay raise. people tend to age and children tend to mature. This is one of the most important things you need to have if you want to begin to change your mindset. Elon Musk. In some people, a change in taste or smell can be an early sign of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Spiritual Book on Kickstarter April 27th, Why dont god just let me disappear? If you do the same job, the same way, with the same approach, in 10 years you’ll still be at the same job, doing the same thing (maybe with the same salary). Paper clips. Things Same More. Not all changes lead you to pleasant periods of life. Now I understand cultural differences and appreciate diversity. The aims and aspirations you have now belong to the "you" you are now. Ani is also the bestselling author of  Emotional Moments, a book of short stories about life. Denial is a powerful force, and it protects us in many ways. Is it the unknown that seems daunting? Do you agree that change is beneficial? To create that change, you have to like yourself. Ask Why. Or, maybe you agree that it is good, but you still don’t like it? Here’s how to avoid backlash, and get everybody involved in the process. #3 – Change Helps Us Grow. I choose to stop my single habits. Well, to change your own behavior or the behavior of anybody else, you need to do three things – you’ve got to direct the Rider (reach the rational part), motivate the Elephant (reach the emotional part), and shape the Path (clear the way). If you need some inspiration or a motivational kick in the butt, here are 20 things worth changing: 1. It produces a freshness of sensation something akin to that of early morning, or of spring. Changes are a sign that progress is being made both internally and externally, in most cases. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. It’s also the most pictures I’ve had in a single post, and it’s the second post about change. We are often resistant to change, and we don’t realize that change itself is constant. Same Ol’? First-order change in an organization consists of improving on what already is. He tends to focus on health, finance, and productivity, but he also talks about the mindset you need to take life by the horns. You know that you can’t control everything, no matter how hard you try. Depending on what the change is, it may also reinforce your life values. How do you deal with it? The solution is obvious: I must change the way I do things. All those changes led me to the realization of what I wanted to do with my life. As a result, a new me was born—me being a wife, mother, and happy woman. One change – whether it be a new idea, decision or habit – can be enough to completely change your life. Leave a comment below! It is like being the first to visit a new land. I think you should always bear in mind that entropy is not on your side. You discover new insights about diffferent aspects of your life. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. I’m choosing to change. Let’s be honest. How Systems Can Change Your Life For The Better, The Biggest Reason Why It’s Hard To Get Things Done. Limited access to electricity “I think everyone on this planet should have access to electricity and the opportunities that come with this access,” says Brian Gramm, Founder of Peppermint Energy. Synonyms: alteration, difference, modification… Antonyms: fixation, stabilization… Find the right word. Life is a journey, and one way to change your life for the better is to accept that there are many things about life that are out of your control. If you hate the cold, move to Hawaii. When you turn from your usual path there will be plenty of different opportunities waiting for you. 3. The change of time causes other things to change, i.e. It is intentional. It usually consists of finding ways to do things a little more efficiently. Yet, there are things you can change about a person that could make a real difference to your relationship, moving forward. The content on Tiny Buddha is designed to support, not replace, medical or psychiatric treatment. What do you think? We all have things in our lives we’d like to improve—finances, job, partner, house, etc. Each of us has hopes and aspirations. Acknowledge that things are changing. Some people know logically that they should embrace change, but they still find themselves fearing it. Change gives you perspective, expands your horizons, makes you more well-rounded, more experienced, and more knowledgeable. Change is unavoidable. How a Numb, Phony Zombie Started Singing Her Own Song, Where Our Strength Comes from and What It Means to Be Strong, 10 Things to Do When You Feel Sad, Hopeless, and Defeated. Changes bring new beginnings and excitement to life. Forget everyone else’s problems — this is about y, Does time seem to pass to quickly? Change is never entirely foreseeable. “Change in all things is sweet.” – Aristotle. Change is part of life. Of course, this means that if … No complicated terms, no acronyms, no voice of doom--the Chase mailer is written in an easy-to-understand style. Your Mind Always. I did things the same way. Was there a risk that it wouldn’t work? Number two is natural evolution. Change is inevitable — except from a vending machine. Change can be scary because we like control. Or get that certification? You do want to grow, don’t you? © 2016 Life In Charge. As things around you start shifting, or you know someone about to start a new chapter in their life, you'll be ready with one of these quips about change to give some perspective. He also likes sharing what he learns so that others can benefit as well. You’ll never experience the best parts of life if you avoid things that are new or different. What is in your control is your attitude, perspective, resilience, emotional health, and how you choose to react to any situation life throws at you. 6. 13. Accepting who you are and loving yourself despite adversity helps you to move forward in your life. Changes connected with moving from country to country impacted my personality. All of us know that nothing will  improve by itself. The greatest enemy of your future success is your current success. And remember—if there were no change, there would be no butterflies! Unfortunately we do not live in fairy tale and sad things happen, too. When things change, it’s the life we know slipping through our fingers like grains of sand. From time to time changes make you re-evaluate your life and look at certain things from a different perspective. James Russell Lowell. At other times it can be painful – losing your job or a personal loss. However, consider that change can also mean that our aims can change. There’s a right way and a wrong way to push for organizational change. So, if you change into a new you, that new person might not have the same aspirations or goals. How can you have it pass at just the right speed?�, Budgeting 101: Reviewing Your Transactions. We all have an agenda. We want to be happier, have a better job or relationship, be free from fear, have nicer things. You can change some things in a year and almost everything in 5 years. Remember the movie Stranger than Fiction? Alone Dead Never. ~Robert C. Gallagher It is a pleasant feeling to be the first to walk on sands which the tide has just left. Success Takes Determination – Do You Have Any? I might work hard, but I did things the same way. Can. ” this is one of the most important things you can change ''... Not live in fairy tale and sad things happen, it may also reinforce your life about. 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