It is because life craves knowledge, though has its body feel the pleasure of that gain. SUBSCRIBE TODAY!! Even more, such a curious person would have their own memories “vacuumed” into that realm. Change ), Philosophy – “Why Resurrection is Impossible, of any Human” – 8/30/2020, Poem – “Unstoppable Rule” – Romance – 8/30/2020, Personal Post – “A Thing about Ignorance/Prejudice…”. In life, there is pleasure. Something we could never hold onto anyway. This is really possible. But which one? She was killed in the early days of the Primordial War by an Exalted Host who … ( Log Out /  So how many of those things would you have thought possible, let alone likely? ( Log Out /  He plays because he thinks it is possible that he will win. It was certainly highly unlikely. Resurrection is certainly impossible, but it can be accomplished considering the Power who first created life in a lifeless being. Nobody expected him to live this long. Of course not. It would suffocate. Importance of the Resurrection. Anglican Diocese Archbishop James' Easter Pastoral letter ‘The resurrection is impossible but God made it possible for Jesus’ | 30 March 2021 “Jesus said to Martha, “ I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die. (8ft 4in), Is it possible that scientists are identifying over 15000 new species of animals, plants, fungi and micro-organisms every year? Babe Ruth became a legend when he called His shot, then delivered. Now when a person forgives the dead person’s caused pain, the forgiving person feels pain. View all posts by richarlow. . ( Log Out /  We are here by the most amazing, ridiculous chance – or by design of a God. With the Liminals added to the setting, a simple reason why resurrection is impossible could be that the Dark Mother unfailingly hijacks all attempts at resurrection to create her Children of the Soil. This is what the church has always said about the Resurrection: it only happened to Jesus, just once. For if what any human protects out of love, is the body, then to peer into such a realm of memories would have to mean to be completely absent from the body. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. That’s not resurrection. This list includes extraterrestrials, ghosts, Godzilla, and the resurrection (for good measure). What does Jesus think about climate change? The basic argument runs something along these lines: 1) People don’t come back from the dead in my experience. We take the risk of believing him, and he promises to carry most of the weight for us. The Resurrection of Jesus is sometimes considered impossible these days. “How much grief is in the world, that one wishes for the return of life, rather than the rest of it?”. But that doesn’t make them both true. Most put his survival down to his positive attitude, a kind of faith. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. What that once-living person ever caused, being pain, is always forgiven upon death. And then you asked somebody blind folded to find that one 2p coin. Church of England Rector of Tadley with Pamber Heath and Silchester in Hampshire, England. It is because so long as a human has a physical body, metaphysical realms are not accessible. We do that based on certain evidence that i’d be happy to explain to you on another occasion. They’d represent the epitome of sacrifice, and expire from existence, in the name of the life they deem to be more important than their own. Because, when we forgive, we do not feel the pleasure in enacting vengeance. There is almost no explanation for the one fact that we absolutely know – there is life on this planet – relatively intelligent life (!). Even if a device could be made to provide a human, in outer space, all the oxygen upon Earth, that would still not guarantee an “eternity”. To the void, what need would a body, with lungs, have there? For a start it can appear and disappear at will. “That’s her brother.”. It would merely evaporate. We cannot enact vengeance upon death, when such is needless and a waste. When the body can no longer feel, evidently numbed by death, it has been abandoned of any pleasure that memories would grant during the experience. The same day I conducted the funeral of a man who was diagnosed with advanced cancer 18 years ago. At least for the time being. (yes), Is it possible that you are twice as likely to be killed by a vending machine than by a shark? Christians and skeptics agree that the resurrection is impossible by naturalistic processes alone, and that is what the challenger is banking on. The disciples are totally mystified by the empty tomb. However, if the Resurrection of Jesus is real event that occurred in history, then we can also approach it from a … Both are outside the possibility of proof or disproof by science. It is an everlasting picture of God’s grace and love towards us. You can not find a group of 11 men in the history of this universe who forsook all, were beaten, were jailed and even went so far as die for a lie — KNOWING it was a lie! On Thursday I was speaking to a man who spends £12 every week playing the National Lottery. (yes), Is it possible that there is life on other planets? Such as memories, transferred upon the time of death, as the body is laid to rest. Marriage is a huge step of faith. Anyhow, why am I exploring the question of what is possible and what is impossible with you? He inhabits his resurrection body so we can know him and trust him. Only by a few skeptics. By His resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ has made the impossible possible. ( Log Out /  why don’t we have a little quiz and you tell me which of these things is possible? Nobody expected it, even those people whom Jesus had told it would happen. However, Christianity does not claim that Jesus resurrected naturally, God (the Father) is responsible for the resurrection. There are lots of pointers that Jesus was not a liar or a man suffering from delusion, so when he claims to be our judge and our saviour, we have good reasons to believe him. Is it possible that a man with no political experience will be elected president of the USA. Resurrection or anastasis is the concept of coming back to life after death.In a number of religions, a dying-and-rising god is a deity which dies and resurrects. This is in large part due to the centrality of the doctrine in the Western religious tradition. Even if 'jesus' was resurrected, it looks like it only happened once and he must have died again, otherwise he would still be around today. “She looks as if she’s going to have kittens, but that’s impossible. So yes, it doesn’t obey the laws of physics. The death of Christ, albeit that it is the ground of our confidence for the pardon of sin, would not have furnished such a foundation had he not risen from the dead. It's no matter: The researchers say resurrection, in some form, should be possible in either scenario. As humans, we sometimes encounter problems or difficulties that are simply impossible to resolve on our own. We can only recede into the exacting definition of love, at that peak of life’s development. (yes), Is it possible that all the ants in the world weigh about the same as the humans? What Paul really means to say is this: If there be no immortality of the soul, Christ is dead — the highest of minds has become extinct. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her,” the woman told him. This makes the odds of a human resurrection about 1/105,000,000,000. That is, it would result in the death of that curious person’s body. And so we put our money on him, and more than our money: our energy, our will, our love  – our whole life. Even of the one who attempts suicide, only wishes to dispose of pain. (NASA reckons 20 yrs), Is it possible that the tallest man alive is over 8 foot tall? Period. It stands outside of them. In rebuttal to James Holding, this chapter discusses why preaching a resurrection would not have made a significant difference to the early success of Christianity. Our faith is more like getting married. Here’s the thing: in life we make lots of decisions based on what we think is possible and what is not possible. People say that the disciples made up the story about the resurrection, but if they had, do you think they would have made it up in such a way that they look so stupid and so lacking in faith? You can resurrect a dead proposal for some sort of business deal for instance, and of course there is the resurrection of Jesus. They’d not know how. “But she can’t be,” protested the woman. What “rest” should symbolize, is the sleep of the body from work. He states, "And Joseph of Arimathea took the body and w… A relation, for instance, is diagnosed of a terminal cancerous condition, and we realize that all the science, technology, medicine and money of the world cannot help. Christian faith is like that. Even with a way to breathe, such a body could not last an eternity. It can walk through walls, and it can eat fish. From this inclusion of this item alone, I believe that it is safe to assume that the challenger believes that the other three are impossible. It is the resurrection that sets Christians apart from all other religions. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Among all these gains, a human, whether for selfish or selfless reasons, as material or immaterial achievements, makes the life go to the peak of development. Was resurrection deemed impossible? ( Log Out /  Thus, it would result in death. Date: October 19, 2019 Author: benputt 0 Comments. Jesus was a well-known figure in Israel. It should be understood simply by the mind still remaining functional for those minutes, that the life’s documentation of memories, are being transferred. He is a divine, spiritual person. This woman telephones a vet and asks him to come examine her cat. Not only was Christs’ resurrection impossible but so was the resurrection of Lazarus..” Then said Martha unto Jesus, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. If all life’s gains upon Earth are felt, as pleasure, then a complete separation of mind from body would result in the body’s complete shutdown. When the apostle Peter addressed the crowd on the day of Pentecost he quoted Psalms 16:8-11, declaring that the psalmist David prophesied of Jesus and his resurrection (see Acts 2:25-28).The Messiah, David’s promised Son, would not be abandoned to the grave nor see decay (see Psalms 16:10; Acts 2:29-32).Some skeptics, however, find believing in a bodily resurrection too difficult to … Even then, to drag back the memories of the once-living person back to the cadaver, would have to be, in total absolution, a selfless act. Were a live human to attempt to look into that world where all dead beings have had their memories transferred, they’d be seeing something not meant to be seen, until death. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! In other words, faith lies behind many, if not most of the decisions we make. So how can anybody tell you that it didn’t happen? It is impossible in terms of physics. Jaime Says: April 20th, 2017 at 1:50 am. . The Resurrection is impossible Is it possible that a human will one day walk on Mars? The biggest objection to the resurrection is simply one of disbelief. To somewhere else, that is, where remaining life cannot go. We live lives lighter and freer. Here, we can define love as being the peak of any life’s span of time, before the existence ends. Like John, who plays the lottery, we put a bet on something that may not happen. (Stephen Hawking estimates that it is unlikely that intelligent life exists elsewhere), Is it possible that 1.5 million children die each year of vaccine preventable illnesses? Well, our faith has elements of both, and something more too. To bury the body, merely means that one is forgetting what that form felt, in life, of their pleasure. They could not speak, nor walk, nor eat. Two disciples walking to Emmaus that evening don’t recognise Jesus for nearly 6 miles of walking. It is part physical and part non-physical – spirit. They will say that the mind still functions, for a time, after the heart has stopped. 105B people is the historical earth population. The odds of them doing that correctly is about the same as the odds of life on earth, something like 1 in 1023. But we are also like Len who fought cancer for 18 years. Were a grieving widow want to use some device to pump blood through the heart, so that the body awakens, the mind of the dead person would be at a loss. THE MEMBER CLUB!! Jesus called His shot that He would die, and then raise from the Dead 3 days later. So the Resurrection cannot be judged by the laws of physics. It conclusively demonstrated Christ’s power over the grave, secured our hope of eternal life, and proved that He truly was and is the Son of God. Indeed that is why it was seen as a great demonstration of God’s power. Dead people don’t revive, unless they weren’t dead. It’s a relationship with Jesus – who is a living person because of Easter. We do it based on our experience of them: their loyalty, their kindness, their ability to make us laugh. She’s never been out of the house except for when I had her on a lead.” The vet examined the cat and said there was no doubt about her pregnancy. The resurrection capabilities on the island allow mutants to be reborn after dying, breaking the cycle of death and loss that has devastated the X-Men in years past. Jesus resurrection body is quite different from his body that he has inhabited for the previous 33 years. Michael Green, principal of St. John's College, Nottingham, writes concerning the apostles, ". But if you die and that’s it, well then you can be sure that Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. Still, the fact that the resurrection was impossible in the normal course of events was as obvious in the first century as it is for us. (yes, Russia). They reveal that the Will of a Just. He fought it all these years, with the help of medical science, and finally succumbed to it 3 weeks ago. At least, the kind of physics I learned at school. The Treatise on the Resurrection of the Dead — Athenagoras Let us, then, consider the subject in the way I have indicated. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Jesus gave His life as a ransom for our sins, to defeat evil and overcome the power of death. I’m not going to address extraterrestrials or ghosts in this post, but I do want to examine Godzilla. Is it possible that a human will one day walk on Mars? On the one hand, as I’ll discuss in the next section, it is impossible to consider the Resurrection apart from considerations of worldview, presuppositions, and our personal response. ( Log Out /  Let us first examine the case of the empty tomb. That’s the deal. The final proof of the resurrection will only come when Jesus returns, or we die and find him waiting to meet us. It’s an idea much older than Christianity. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. So what is our faith like? The point of all science is that a theory can only be accepted if the phenomena that it describes are repeated on numerous occasions. Some arguments in favor: 1. And that day will be when all the rules of physics cease to exist: the Lion will lie down with the lamb, the sun and moon will dissolve, and God will be all in all. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. This was a super-natural event, not a natural one. To see a co… One, as a physical live human, even of any scientist, could not reach into the metaphysical world, without the mind’s complete separation from the body. Reincarnation is a similar process hypothesized by other religions, which involves the same person or deity coming back to live in a different body, rather than the same one.. Though, wouldn’t it be possible that those memories are being “transferred”? The resurrection is a singularity, a one-off event. By my estimation he has faith in something that is wasting his money. Resurrection is returning someone, or something from the dead. It would be a life for a life. Resurrection remains impossible, because one would be resetting the mind, completely. But that is because the Resurrected body of Jesus is something new. What we all need is a power greater than ourselves; we need a new power source. It was morally impossible for the followers of Christ to have done it. In fact Matthew records the exact location of Jesus' tomb. Not really, Muslims and Jews know resurrection too. If the mind is transferring memories over to a different realm, then it is a place that life cannot go. So if when it is all over, we find that we were wrong, and there was no God and no resurrection, then what have we lost? There are many verses in the Quran which discuss the Resurrection relying on God's power. Today you are invited to have table fellowship with him, to commune with him. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The Christian life is indeed impossible; that is, impossible to live in our own power. The Resurrection of Jesus is the key-stone of the arch of our holy faith. Heaven? The void? Overstating the importance of the Resurrection is impossible. Of all they attained, if for selfish reasons, would be pleasure. Because of the emphasis on Christian accounts of resurrection in the philosophical literature, this entry will focus on the debates about the Christian doctrine of resurrection. The Oxford Mathematician, John Lennox, has calculated that the probability of life on earth is like this: if you made a stack of 2p coins from the earth to the moon, and somewhere in that stack you placed one odd one. Jesus is late, and in His failure to show up, death has taken what we know He could have healed if only He had been present. At the end of our life, it has been the end of our development. Jesus isn’t dead and then he comes back to life in the same body and continues to live for another 20 years. The afterlife? The Resurrection is the great separator, the great divider. The usual reason that people declare that the Resurrection is impossible is because it contradicts the rules of physics. You have to weigh up the balance of probability. Pleasure is for life, made for memories that come into the metaphysical world as bliss, upon death. The nightmare that faces the X-Men is the possibility that unity under the current conditions on Krakoa is impossible. ... It’s Almost IMPOSSIBLE to Prove It. (NASA reckons 20 yrs) Is it possible that the tallest man alive is over 8 foot tall? Three facts must be reckoned with when investigating the Resurrection: the empty tomb, the transformation of the Apostles, and the preaching of the Resurrection originating in Jerusalem. And there are good reasons for this. It’s highly unlikely, not impossible, but highly unlikely. Protection over the body means for there to be continuous gain and development, for it. ( Log Out /  One is true and one isn’t. We know that one day we will lose our battle with death, but in the meantime we are resolved to live well, to live for God, to live lives of love and truth. One, as a physical live human, even of any scientist, could not reach into the metaphysical world, without the mind’s complete separation from the body. He’s not a dead teacher or a living ideal. It would be absurd to think of the authorities doing anything remotely suggestive of … My blogs are my sermons, usually preached at St Paul's Church, Tadley, RG26 3PB Many different religions have accounts of life after death but the Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the dead has received the most attention by philosophers. Where to? Nor will you gain special powers when you die, Pascal Wagerers (who obviously have a gambling problem). It is the rest of the body of all labor it took to attain. Mary can’t even see Jesus when he stands in front of her. If the resurrection of Jesus Christ a lie — THEY KNEW IT! It ends, blankets itself within non-existence, and becomes comforted by the knowledge that work, or movement, is no longer necessary to deserve rest. Back in the day Ruvelia, one of the twin hearts of the King of the Titans, had power over resurrection. Or like the man who held off death for 18 years at least partly by his positive attitude? However, much of what is said can be applied to other religions and traditions. It is a new creation, outside of our creation. It conclusively demonstrated Christ’s power over the grave, secured our hope of eternal life, and proved that He truly was and is the Son of God. Resurrection is a new creation. So do the Zoroastrians. Of all they attained, if for selfless reasons, would be pleasure. If he was resurrected, then you will face him at judgement day. Love could not be received for that person’s body, were the mind to be cut from it, as it could never be mutual. But in the end, our faith is neither like playing the lottery, nor like taking a positive attitude to cancer. (yes), Is it possible that the 6th richest man in the world is the President of the former communist country? We believe that Jesus was who he said, and that he holds our world and our fate in his hands. So faith is a win/win situation: if we are right and Jesus rose, then we will inherit eternal life, and if not, then we lose nothing except what we had to lose anyway. IOW, it ain't gonna happen. Change ). ( Log Out /  The Resurrection of Christ IS Our Hope Jesus is the fulfillment of God’s promises and the resurrection of Christ is our hope. That is an unscientific statement. They’d not retain their former personality, nor even remember who they once loved. His burial site was known by many people. A Resurrection is not Impossible. Interest in this blog is for those who partake in valuing philosophy and poetry. You have to take a step of faith. Why is that? Overstating the importance of the Resurrection is impossible. We know that we are getting older and weaker from about the age of 25. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Like the man who plays the lottery – a modest gamble that is unlikely to pay off? If you take the resurrection away, the whole structure lies in ruins. That curious person could not take what was seen, back to the body for its pleasure. The spirit realm? The resurrection is, next to the virgin birth and perhaps the crucifixion, the most well known event associated with Yeshua of Nazareth. So what is possible and what isn’t? “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.” However, the end result of this great familiarity is a form of contempt, what I call “the ho-hum factor” or perhaps “the so-what factor,” or even “been there, done that.” The first impossible consequence may be called the argument from mind, and is thus expressed: "If there be no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not raised." It cannot be studied by scientists, because it cannot be repeated. This is faith: not blind belief, but a decision that the evidence points clearly in a certain direction, but it stops short of final proof. It was also psychologically impossible, since they were not expecting a resurrection. Those are the only possibilities. If he wasn’t, then there is no judgement day, just extinction, death, nothing. But one day it will happen to all of us. The body that Jesus is described as having in the Easter stories is part ghost and part solid. No human can understand the mind, when it is the body that understands the pleasure of gain. Thomas can put his finger into the wounds in Jesus’ hands, and Jesus can hear what Thomas says even when he is not visibly present. “The things which are impossible with men are possible with God” Luke 18:27. It’s a bit of a gamble, and some people think we are mad. That is a matter of judgement, a decision that you make on the balance of probability. Then after 40 days it disappears forever and is replaced by the Holy Spirit, which is very like a non-physical version of Jesus. We have decided to let Jesus carry our guilt, our shame, our fear of failure and all the other things that hold us back, as he promised to do. As in, nothing physical can pass through to the metaphysical realm. We know we are dying. They say that during this, the mind is reliving memories. We are fighting off death, and we have taken a positive decision to do that with joy, with hope and with courage. Of all those things, the one least likely, according to scientists is the existence of intelligent life. And it was practically impossible, because of the guards. Resurrection remains impossible, because one would be resetting the mind, completely. We make life long promises to somebody we hardly know. “How about him?” asked the vet. The transference of memories to the metaphysical realm would mean that resurrection of the physical form results in complete amnesia of the mind. Both the statement: the Resurrection happened and the statement: the resurrection didn’t happen are unscientific statements. Resurrection is Impossible. But the resurrection isn’t a resuscitation. I always liked to think that Resurrection being impossible was the doing of the Exalted. That I ’ m not going to address extraterrestrials or ghosts in this blog for! Of a man who spends £12 every week playing the National lottery same body and continues to live for 20... He resurrection is impossible his shot, then it is planned to be killed by a shark resurrection remains,! Need would a body could not take what was seen, back life! That sets christians apart from all other religions and traditions of proof or disproof by science of., who plays the lottery, we put a bet on something that not! Feel the pleasure in enacting vengeance a one-off event forgiving person feels pain are invited to have table with! Like taking a positive attitude, a kind of faith Muslims and know! 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