As a health care professional, athletic trainers care for and rehabilitate their patients in universities, schools, corporations, professional sports teams and more. The first two options are technically oriented, while the third gives added socioeconomic emphasis. Find forms, policies, procedures, steps to degree completion and more information for current students. PhD students may opt to obtain a MS/MA degree, and MS/MA students may transfer to the PhD program. The Department of Crop and Soil Science offers 2 Crop Science graduate degrees with 3 areas of specialization, each with multiple disciplines and commodities. Silviculture 10. Included in these programs and services are: Oregon State University has a long tradition of excellence in producing and teaching creative writing, going all the way back to the 1950s when the future distinguished novelist William Kittredge was a student here, and Bernard Malamud won a National Book Award while teaching in the English Department. and Ph.D. degrees. It allows accounting students to receive an undergraduate degree and a master’s degree during their five years of university study required to become a CPA. Fax (541) 737-3489 Please use our email contact form. Students with a human nutrition interest are encouraged to add elective courses in epidemiology or exercise science to their program of study. Phone (541) 737-3366 . Forest social science 4. The M.S. The field of robotics has grown significantly in the last decade and continues to do so at an accelerating rate. The program provides students with the multidisciplinary training necessary to function confidently and effectively in professional resource management positions. A master's degree in mathematics is not sufficient preparation for the statistics PhD program. Course work explores women's realities in such areas as the political and social sciences, health, psychology, history, literature, and the arts. The MAIS is a degree program that provides an opportunity for motivated students to bring together three disciplines in a course of study that leads to an integration of all three... A Water Resources Graduate Minor for master of science, master of arts, and doctor of philosophy degree programs is offered with specialization in hydrology, water quality, or water resources planning and management. thesis, or 6 credits for a project for … Urban forestry involves the planning, planting, and management of trees and related vegetation in and around cities. Dual MS and PhD degrees are also possible. degrees. The School of Language, Culture, and Society offers graduate work leading to a Master of Arts in Applied Anthropology. This graduate program combines a strong social science faculty with a strong biological and ecological science faculty and so provides an unusual opportunity to focus on the interface of social science and ecology. These principles have been adopted by the state of Oregon. Check out the accelerated master's programs. The microbiology program provides graduate training leading towards Ph.D. and M.S. We offer full funding to all of our graduate students through graduate teaching assistantships, grants, and fellowships. M.S., Professional Science Master's (PSM) and Ph.D. degrees in environmental science. Each student determines his or her course program with the assistance of a faculty advisor and committee. Go to our coronavirus webpage for graduate student COVID information. The program focuses on the five core areas of public health: epidemiology, biostatistics, health promotion and behavior, environmental and occupational health, and... We offer the most comprehensive range of accredited public health graduate degree program in Oregon and are gaining momentum and enthusiasm as the state’s first accredited college of public health. The graduate certificate in Water Conflict Management and Transformation is an 18-credit interdisciplinary program. The Oregon State Ichthyology Collection is also available to view online. Genetics and tree improvement 5. Corvallis, OR 97331-1102, Earning Concurrent Degrees or Pursuing a Dual Major, International Graduate Student Orientation 2020, Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Training, All Student GTA Orientation Schedule 2019, GRAD 512 - Current Issues in Higher Education, GRAD 513 - Professional Development in College and University Teaching, GRAD 520 - Responsible Conduct of Research, GRAD 542 - The Inclusive College Classroom, GRAD 550 - Introduction to Online Teaching, GRAD 560 - Theories of Teaching and Learning, WR 599 - Scientific and Technical Research Writing, WR 599 - Writing Workshop for Thesis and Dissertation Writers, International GTA Orientation Schedule 2019, Grad Writing Group Challenge: Quick Start Guide, College and Program Recruitment Representatives, Leave of Absence and Family Medical Leave Eligibility, Programs - Majors, minors and certificates. This 18-credit graduate credential will help prepare you to link scientists, decision-makers, and stakeholders when managing issues around wildlife management, conservation biology, and habitat management and restoration. Graduate students in the animal sciences program work on advancing scientific knowledge and fundamental understanding of areas such as reproductive biology and... Oregon State University's Applied Economics Graduate Program offers M.S., M.A. The OSU Master of Athletic Training program prepares you to work in a multitude of environments within the diverse and expanding field of athletic training. The School of Arts and Communication offers graduate work leading to the Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies (MAIS) and toward minors in other advanced degree programs. Welcome to the College of Business Ph.D. program The College of Business at Oregon State University offers a Ph.D. in Business Administration with an … While your chosen area of concentration determines the focus of your studies, we value the benefits of interdisciplinary scholarship and provide ample opportunity for you to collaborate with faculty and peers. Tree physiology 6. The Graduate School will determine whether the general university conditions for admission have been met. Oregon State University 101 Covell Hall Corvallis, OR 97331-2409 Phone: 877.257.5182 Fax: 541.737.1805 Email: Because the systems with which they work is so large and complex, industrial engineers (IEs) must develop expertise in a wide variety of disciplines, the ability to work well with people, and a broad, systems perspective. The School of Language, Culture, and Society offers graduate work leading to a master's or Ph.D. in Applied Anthropology. The Department of Mathematics offers graduate programs leading to the M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics with research emphasis possible in a variety of areas within pure and applied mathematics and in mathematics education. In the next ten years, the number of older adults is expected to double in developed countries, and quadruple in the developing world. The program focuses on the application of psychological methods and research to solving practical problems, with areas of concentration in Applied Cognition, Engineering Psychology, and Health Psychology. There is much uncertainty in modeling forecast and policy outcome associated with climate change and global markets. When and how we eat, what is considered acceptable to eat, how we prepare it, and how we learn about producing and eating food are all fascinating questions to explore by humanists and social scientists. Students who enter the Mathematics graduate program without a prior graduate degree are expected to complete the PhD degree in six years. in Education prepares candidates to be secondary science and mathematics teachers. The ESOL endorsement focuses on enabling Oregon's kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) teachers to effectively educate students who are learning English as an additional language. There is a great need for people who can make wise decisions about the moral and ethical issues facing the workplace, the community, and the larger world. Restoration ecology 2. Any graduate major or minor may serve as a field for this degree. The program is 14-months and begins every year in June. The School of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering offers the following degrees in chemical engineering. The Master of Adapted Physical Education program is a professional degree graduate program which includes graduate courses as well as extensive practical experiences in public school physical education. The urban forest is made up of the mosaic of the planted landscape and native forest remnants left behind as cities have developed. Marine management professionals need to understand these dimensions, utilizing both physical and social sciences to tackle challenging issues, and effectively communicate best management practices to scientists, decision makers, and stakeholders. Oregon State University's Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences offers a Master of Science (M.S.) The disciplinary learning goals of the minor are by nature foundational. The School of Nuclear Science and Engineering offers graduate work leading toward the Master of Engineering, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Nuclear Engineering. The Dual Language specialization focuses on enabling Oregon's kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) teachers to effectively educate students in dual language settings. The program encourages applicants with interest in complex contemporaneous issues that require multi-disciplinary approach to be addressed. The program connects the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences by studying and interpreting the development of the sciences within particular historical settings and analyzing the changing roles of the sciences within modern cultures. Successful completion of the program earns: The School of Biological and Population Health Sciences offers a graduate program leading to the Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Nutrition. The computer science master's program provides advanced instruction beyond the undergraduate degree. Medical physicists rarely have direct contact with patients, but are part of many treatment teams. This is an accredited program in which you study the interaction of ecological, economic, ethical and social systems. You will have engaging discussions and debates from all points of view in class, with students and professors. and Ph.D. degrees and brings together faculty and students from six colleges and multiple departments, including the Biological & Ecological Engineering department. Graduate studies in Environmental Engineering at Oregon State University emphasize the understanding of fundamental scientific and engineering principles to manage and solve environmental problems in natural and engineering systems. and Ph.D. graduate students in the life sciences with research concepts and methodologies in quantitative sciences, and those in the quantitative sciences with research concepts and methodologies in life sciences. The 18-credit Graduate Certificate in College and University Teaching is designed to provide advanced coursework and experiential learning opportunities to students who plan to pursue careers in teaching in higher education settings or who plan to pursue careers in other fields that may require similar facilitation skills. PhD in Wildlife Science The Wildlife Science graduate program in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife emphasizes wildlife research concerning the interaction of wildlife with land uses, migratory bird biology, forestry-wildlife relationships, endangered species management, and population dynamics. and Ph.D. programs in biology, biochemistry and biophysics, chemistry, microbiology, physics, statistics and mathematics are widely recognized for their acclaimed research faculty, their high-tech science labs, the pursuit of innovative collaboration between disciplines and cutting-edge professional development resources to prepare students for top positions … Our interdisciplinary approach, research centers and focus on both rural and urban health will enrich your educational experience and set you apart in this evolving profession. The Ph.D. in Nutrition is designed to prepare the student for a professional career in Nutrition through a combination of coursework and research. You can select one of the following concentrations: The PhD in Public Policy program is offered by faculty in the Economics, Political Science, and Sociology programs in the School of Public Policy. We offer a broad range of research topics through the, Earning Concurrent Degrees or Pursuing a Dual Major, International Graduate Student Orientation 2020, Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Training, All Student GTA Orientation Schedule 2019, GRAD 512 - Current Issues in Higher Education, GRAD 513 - Professional Development in College and University Teaching, GRAD 520 - Responsible Conduct of Research, GRAD 542 - The Inclusive College Classroom, GRAD 550 - Introduction to Online Teaching, GRAD 560 - Theories of Teaching and Learning, WR 599 - Scientific and Technical Research Writing, WR 599 - Writing Workshop for Thesis and Dissertation Writers, International GTA Orientation Schedule 2019, Grad Writing Group Challenge: Quick Start Guide, College and Program Recruitment Representatives, Leave of Absence and Family Medical Leave Eligibility, Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences, Applied Economics (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., minor), Botany and Plant Pathology (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Fisheries and Wildlife Administration (PSM), Food Science and Technology (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Organic Agriculture Graduate Certificate (CERT), Rangeland Ecology and Management (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Wildlife Management Graduate Certificate (CERT), Business Administration and Accountancy (MBAA), Design and Human Environment (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., minor), Supply Chain and Logistics Management (CERT), Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., minor), Risk and Uncertainty Quantification in Earth Systems (minor), Water Conflict Management and Transformation (CERT), Water Conflict Management and Transformation (minor), Adult and Higher Education (Ed.M., Ed.D., Ph.D., minor), Oregon State University graduate program in counseling, English for Speakers of Other Languages (CERT), Artificial Intelligence (Ph.D., MEng, M.S., minor), Biological and Ecological Engineering (Ph.D., MEng, M.S., minor), Chemical Engineering (Ph.D., MEng, M.S., minor), Civil Engineering (Ph.D., MEng, M.S., minor), Master of Science in Civil Engineering (M.S. Seminars, readings and conferences are offered by the Water Resources Graduate... Students enrolled in this degree will be broadly trained to undertake life-long careers in water resources system design, and will have the option to focus on groundwater, surface water, or watershed engineering. The program follows the sustainable principles outlined by the Montreal Process Criteria and Indicators. Reflecting this character, the materials science program at Oregon State University, initiated in the 1980s, is spread over nine different departments spanning three colleges. Today, AI is making contributions to all areas... Bioengineering is an interdisciplinary field that applies engineering principles and quantitative methods to the advancement of knowledge at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, and system levels, and to the development of new biologicals, materials, devices, and processes. In a hurry? These graduate programs provide students with training in bioengineering, including broad exposure to the discipline through coursework and seminars, as … This growth will pose major challenges for societies in addressing the... Human development and family studies offers graduate work leading to master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees. The Design and Human Environment program prepares students for college and university teaching, research and creative scholarship; careers in design, product development, product quality assurance or merchandising; historic/cultural research, collection management, and preservation of textile and architectural artifacts; and public policy. Only non-College of Business graduate students are eligible. The program’s primary mission is to prepare individuals for professional administrative positions in student services departments at two- and four-year colleges and universities. The Mechanical Engineering (ME) profession is dedicated to applying principles of physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics in the analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical components, devices, and systems. The Wildlife Science graduate degree offered by the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife provides students with the opportunity to study with faculty that have diverse taxonomic and disciplinary expertise including but not limited to the ecology and conservation of birds, mammals (including marine mammals) and amphibians, behavioral... Graduate students interested in the Business Administration minor should contact Graduate Business Programs, College of Business, Austin Hall 326, OSU, Corvallis, OR 97331-2603 or email [email protected] Oregon . Oregon State University offers a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree, with differing options available in OSU-Corvallis, OSU-Cascades, and through Ecampus. Research is undertaken with a faculty member of the student's choosing. The graduate program in Kinesiology offers courses and learning experiences in the theoretical and practical study of physical activity (including exercise and sport) for the promotion of optimal health and disease prevention. Oregon State has 11 colleges offering over 80 majors and minors plus 12 stand-alone graduate certificates. The demand for professionals who can interpret large quantities of data has never been greater, and these skills are vital for scientific advances and business success worldwide. The graduate minor in Biological Data Sciences will familiarize M.S. Oregon State University’s Graduate Program in Applied Economics awards the PhD and MS degrees in Applied Economics. Find graduate programs on the Corvallis campus, at OSU-Cascades in Bend, online through Ecampus, and in Portland. The mission of the Oregon State University graduate program in counseling is to prepare professional leaders who promote the social, psychological and physical well-being of individuals, families, communities and organizations. Please also reach us at [email protected] or visit the staff page. The Ph.D. in Counseling program prepares students to work as advanced practitioners, clinical supervisors and counselor educators in clinical and academic settings. This 18-credit graduate credential will help prepare you to link scientists, decision-makers, and stakeholders when managing recreational and commercial fisheries and fish habitat and contribute towards the general conservation of aquatic resources. Oregon State University The Graduate School’s offices in Heckart Lodge are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. beginning January 5, 2021. Supporting course work is chosen for each student from the basic sciences and other related fields. The Sustainable Natural Resources graduate certificate is an 18-credit interdisciplinary program offered online through OSU Extended Campus. Students can enter the PhD program after demonstrating mathematical proficiency by passing the qualifying exams and finding a PhD advisor from among the ranks of the faculty in Mathematics. The management of our marine resources encompass both biophysical and human dimensions. The Entomology Program is an interdisciplinary program involving many faculty from across campus, comprising areas of entomology relating to: The Professional Science Master’s degree in Fisheries and Wildlife Administration (PSMFWA) provides advanced training for recently finished undergraduates looking to enter the workforce or early-career professionals employed by natural resources agencies, non-government organizations, and other entities seeking to advance their careers. The instructional program is designed to develop strong analytical, design, and management capabilities in the application of biological, chemical and physical... Industrial Engineering is the application of science, mathematics, and engineering methods to complex system integration and operation. Emphasis may be in Fine Arts, Art History, or Photography. Wildlife biology 11. degree in Bioengineering. ), Sustainable Forest Management (Ph.D., M.F., M.S., minor), Applied Anthropology (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., minor), College Student Services Administration (M.S., EdM, minor), Environmental Arts and Humanities (M.A., minor), Food in Culture and Social Justice (minor), History of Science (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., minor), Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (Ph.D., M.A., minor), Pharmaceutical Sciences (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Human Development and Family Studies (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Master of Adapted Physical Education (MAPE), Biochemistry and Biophysics (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., minor), Comparative Health Sciences (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Environmental Sciences (Ph.D., M.A., M.S., PSM, minor), Water Resources Engineering (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Water Resources Policy and Management (M.S., minor), Water Resources Science (Ph.D., M.S., minor), Water Cooperation and Diplomacy Programme, Programs - Majors, minors and certificates, The application of educational media and technology skills, Master of Engineering (Coursework Only) (MEng), A Master of Adapted Physical Education Degree. The Environmental Sciences Graduate Program provides curricula leading to M.A. and Ph.D. programs. Students then pursue focused graduate course work and research in the following concentration areas, directed by their program committee. Students will complete courses part-time in four consecutive terms. This doctorate program is offered by the Or… Go to our coronavirus webpage for graduate student COVID information. The graduate minor in Queer Studies prepares students to examine how gender and sexuality are constructed and policed and, further, imagines liberatory futures for people of all genders and sexualities. The curricula integrates thinking across disciplines, especially life, physical, and social sciences. There is a thesis and non-thesis track, to be determined through advising and based on career objectives. Our nationally renowned faculty members have strengths in all areas of pharmaceutical science, and many have been recognized for teaching excellence, outstanding research and their... IGERT trainees work toward a minor in Aging Sciences, which integrates knowledge from the diet and genetics, musculoskeletal, psychosocial, and gerontechnology research cores in CHAR. Read the Strategic Plan for Reshaping Graduate Education at Oregon State. The M.S. Climate change and carbon dynamics 7. Environmental science explores natural processes on earth and their alteration by human activity. Medical Physics examines and applies numerous aspects of nuclear science to medicine. We are teaching, learning, and working remotely. The degrees are designed to allow flexibility in coursework, while insuring an outstanding foundation and specialization in your area of interest. Accepting Applications for the PhD program in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Oregon State University Admissions Deadline for all applicants: December 01, 2020 Funding Deadline for all applicants: December 01, 2020 Our program focuses on women of color feminisms, transnational feminisms, and queer feminist studies, offering PhD students critical foundations in both theory and … The programs in Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology provides comprehensive course work and training to prepare prospective toxicologist and environmental health scientists for careers in academia, government, and industry. OSU’s Dual Language specialization follows a standards-based curriculum, addressing the six domains specified in Oregon Administrative Rule 584-420-0630: An education major at Oregon State University enables you to become a proactive educator. Students can concentrate on theory or applications, and programs can be tailored to emphasize such areas of interest as ecology, engineering, forestry, genetics/genomics and computational biology, mathematics, or oceanography. The graduate certificate in public health online program at Oregon State University is designed for public health practitioners and others seeking professional development and continuing education within the field of public health. Two of the three fields may be from one department if the areas of concentration within these two... Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies is the multidisciplinary study of gender and women's lives and experiences. This program was formally known as Exercise and Sport Science. This interdisciplinary graduate minor in Food in Culture and Social Justice prepares students to examine food from a variety of perspectives. Learn your funding options. 2900 SW Jefferson Way The Engineering Management Graduate Certificate provides an opportunity for professionals with a background in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to gain a foundational education in the management skills necessary to transition to a position of management or leadership. degree may be pursued with an emphasis in formal (school based agricultural education – teacher licensure) or non-formal education, leadership,... Oregon State University's Department of Animal and Rangeland Sciences offers a Master of Science (M.S.) The discipline of materials science is inherently interdisciplinary, involving fundamental aspects of chemistry, physics, biology, geoscience, agricultural science, mathematics, and engineering. and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Economics. The Ph.D. in Counseling program prepares students to work as advanced practitioners, clinical supervisors and counselor educators in clinical and academic settings. Students study the fundamentals of finance, accounting, marketing, law, and operations to understand how all enterprises bring value to their customers, employees, and owners. The certificate offers students the flexibility to specialize in particular aspects of organic agriculture. or 15 (Ph.D.) credits of graduate level engineering courses, and at least 6 (M.S.) and Ph.D. degrees in Statistics. The Oregon State Graduate Business Programs are committed to educating our students to be the kind of people we want to work for – people who work hard, earn success and lead by example as innovative, socially responsible and globally minded business people. The prevention of musculoskeletal injuries and the application of ergonomic principles is paramount in public health, business and engineering. , Ocean, and how to apply curious, motivated student looking to explore all facets of insect,... 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