Ranger school is two months. There is a body of films that feature the United States Navy SEALs.The box office successes of Act of Valor in 2012 and Lone Survivor in 2013 led studios to seek out more real-life accounts of Navy SEALs to portray on film. Every special ops component has it's own "specialties" and is extremely tough. The name SEAL stands for Sea, Air, Land. If they were an athletic team, I expect their winning percentage would be around .500 or less—never in the payoffs. A former Navy SEAL,... Former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura dropped by Business Insider to talk about his new book, "Jesse Ventura's Marijuana Manifesto." Special ops guys are the original “summer soldiers.”. Away from the front lines, they put down non-special ops types, But then they do an actual op, and as soon as they get discovered by the enemy, they scream for the conventional forces to, “GET US OUT OF HERE!”. Typical missions may involve insertion into a combat objective by any number of means: parachute, submarine, helicopter, high-speed boat, foot patrol or by a combat swimmer insertion. 14. US Navy SEALs: SEAL training isn’t easy, and neither is the day-to-day job. The same as a member of the Navy choir. Join. Navy SEALS r/ navyseals. The Navy is the defense unit that operates in a salt-water environment. Bestowed upon me by the heroes that have gone before, it embodies the trust of those I have sworn to protect. The Marines are no better then any other branch they all deserve the same amount of respect! I heard a lot about "some guys don't re-enlist because it wasn't what they expected" A lot of Recon and not enough rising out of the water with a wetsuit going on a top secret mission. Women were not allowed to pursue the U.S. Navy SEALs until 2015. SEALs, rangers, marines, paratroopers are human. You’re chances of meeting a real life (living) Navy SEAL are about 1 in 3 million. SEALs are named after the environments in which they operate, the SEa, Air and Land, and are the foundation of … The US has commando units, Navy SEALS, US Army Special Forces (Green Berets), US Marine Corps Recon, and then there's Delta Force. save. My old military articles list is at http://www.johntreed.net/military.html. The Navy's computerized personnel system associates the rating name with an alphanumeric Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) code. The elite-unit members are masochists and not much more. Apr 20, 2016, Obama sends B-52s to Iraq Read Next: What It Mean To Be a Navy SEAL, According to 5 SEALs Tard Guard. "The division has several hundred personnel, most of them former members of Delta Force, Navy SEALs, (including DEVGRU), Army Rangers, Special Forces and USMC Force Recon teams. For example in my early years, virtually all articles in which I was quoted about real estate investment would mention my undergraduate education: West Point. And he was nowhere near the best of the POWs. He detailed his harrowing Afghanistan combat experience in the best-selling book Lone Survivor. World-class athletes, famous musicians, elite military teams such as the Navy Seals all have the same thing in common. This video I try to break down past the normal coverage of navy seals and my experience with them. 651 votes, 1.6k comments. SEALs have latitude, within designated parameters, in their selection of primary and secondary weapons. Furthermore, the area for miles around must be devoid of dogs or other animals and even people who have lived there a long time. Reality is Overrated: 'SEAL Team 8' 1 Apr 2014 We get a lot of pitches around here that emphasize just how real the military action sequences are in Hollywood movies. Can’t be done alone and needs to be in complete sync with your teammates. SEAL training is six months. He was in the bottom tier of them in terms of medals awarded during his POW period. I have been complaining for years about military special ops hype including the marines, rangers, airborne, and especially the SEALs. I have seen a few requests come up for a Navy SEAL IAMA. De Navy SEALs is een Amerikaanse speciale eenheid in het 'Naval Special Warfare'-programma (NSW) van de United States Navy.Iemand die deel uitmaakt van deze speciale eenheid wordt een 'SEAL' (meervoud: SEALs) genoemd. The classic there is no “I” in “Team”. In addition to meeting the basic requirements for commissioning in the Navy, candidates interested in becoming SEALs must meet rigorous physical and mental requirements. However, they ARE limited (which people don't know) as they are trained in small unit tactics, etc. Attention to detail and adherence to safe operating procedures is even more fundamental to elite force operations than conventional units," the operator said. When did SEALs ever have to swim with their ankles and wrists tied in combat the way they do in their training? Training is supposed to make you better at something. For SO, the NOS is E300. Navy seal burpees are essentially burpees combined with push ups and performed in a sequential fashion. You can spot categories of people who have mystique by what is mentioned about them in an article. Or are they really Gods among men. The Navy SEALs go through very rigorous training, and everybody knows it. Director Clint Eastwood released American Sniper in late 2014, and Eric Blehm's book about a SEAL Team Six operator, Fearless, also attracted attention from studios. Navy SEALs infiltrate enemy lines and conduct surveillance by air, land and sea. Can’t be done alone and needs to be in complete sync with your teammates. The British equivalent of DEVGRU would be the Special Boat Service (SBS). And that was that, I was officially a Navy SEAL. They carry only small arms and can’t carry much ammo for the simple reason that it’s heavy. Yet it has been spun somehow as yet further evidence of how great the SEALs are. Excuse me but air and land were assigned to the Air Force and Army. The SEALs selectively release facts about their missions success or failure, like Soviet space shots where they would not tell us about them until after they were successful. I'm not saying that there are not a bad egg in the bunch because let's face it, there are bad eggs in every group. Over it. You have touched on a point: "bad eggs." The Navy SEALs consist of an elite fighting force created by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, according to the U.S. Navy. Their limitations are so great that it is hard to find missions that actually fit their capabilities and limitations. However, the special unit currently remains an all-male branch. Moderator of r/navyseals Archived. They are tiny. Reducing the hype would reduce all the misbehavior regarding releasing details of secret ops by simply making the SEALs less attractive to Hollywood and Fox News etc. SEALs are named after the environments in which they operate, the SEa, Air and Land, and are the foundation of … Making the SEALs as good as the hype would be great, but also impossible. I have a history with Navy SEALS, so I cannot claim I am not partial. I am a West Point graduate, airborne, ranger, Vietnam vet. Or are they really Gods among men. http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/c/claude_king/wolverton_mountain.html The Lone Survivor guys were essentially killed on the Afghanistan equivalent of Wolverton Mountain because you shouldn’t go on Wolverton Mountain and the SEALs stupidly violated that rule. But I was close enough to that world to recognize bullshit when I hear it and see it. (SEAL Team 2 specializes in … It’s pride through masochism. Marines versus Navy SEALs comparison chart; Marines Navy SEALs; Introduction (from Wikipedia) The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is a branch of the United States Armed Forces responsible for providing power projection from the sea,[7] using the mobility of the United States Navy to deliver combined-arms task forces rapidly. Photo: US Navy. When I admire a certain quality (mental toughness, in this case), I want to go straight to the source. Training to become a Navy SEAL is voluntary, and officers and enlisted sailors train side by side. No big deal, really. Indeed their “training” is more test than education. So how exactly do you check to see if someone was a Navy SEAL? Traitors and war criminals should. For those of you who think I am jealous and “bad-mouthing” troops serving in difficult positions—you are wrong. I am an airborne ranger, but I was never a SEAL. They … But it is in terms of military power that the United States is most overrated.” (emphasis mine). The Navy SEALs including DEVGRU handle mainly amphibious operations whereas the SAS handle mostly airborne or land-based operations. For example U.S. Army has Special Forces, Rangers etc. The so-called “elite” military units are about 10% training and 90% tormenting you to see if you’re “tough enough.” Tough enough for what? They are the equivalent of what in the civilian world are called fugitives. The SEALs were officially formed in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy. SEALs then relay information back to their command center … They don't always have mission complete. Delta was formed with SAS officers training the unit. They die just like any other combat mos. After Three Decades, Navy SEALs are Replacing the P226 Pistol with Glocks. Professor Chris Hables Gray, 2005 As far as his comments in general, he feels that the Navy systems are oversold, overpriced, and undercapable. Keep in mind i may add some guys who are from different SOCOM branches because in the eyes of the average american they're all the same. Navy SEALs are physically fit, mentally sharp, mature and resilient. 5 days ago. Navy's Plan to Build More SEAL Platoons Stalled Amid Discipline Problems Sailors assigned to Naval Special Warfare Group 2 conduct military dive operations off the East Coast of the United States. The SEAL unit nearby was issued the Stoner 63 LMG that had a 150 round drum—the perfect weapon for our long range recon teams. I would guess that about 400 or 500 of my 700 West Point classmates (1968) are also airborne, ranger, Vietnam vets. There are only a handful of them—maybe a platoon (40) max. Weapons of the Navy SEALs. ← Older Post In fact they are very human. Is Discipline Overrated? My history goes back to the Vietnam War when I had contact with different SEAL units. Most people think of Navy SEALs as superheroes who work together like a real-life Avengers team. What makes a good SEAL may not make a good Ranger, what … February 2018: Navy SEAL Gregory Seerden was detained in connection with a sexual assault. During the rescue, one Thai Navy SEAL had a shallow-water blackout and had to be resuscitated. Need I say more? Rangers in Vietnam typically operated in 6-man teams. Generally, I have moved those to my current military blog. Those men who want to become a Navy SEAL Officer are screened to determine their potential to succeed in the community. But it is pretty certain the same periodical would not have mentioned the undergrad school of my high school best friend: Michigan State. Excuse me but air and land were assigned to the Air Force and Army. A long time ago we used “Talent is overrated“. I heard a lot about "some guys don't re-enlist because it wasn't what they expected" A lot of Recon and not enough rising out of the water with a wetsuit going on a top secret mission. Indeed, I think it’s safe to assume nowadays that many young men who are ambitious politically or to be a celebrity are choosing to seek the SEALs as a career move, “a fascinating aura of mystery, awe, and power surrounding someone or something.”. In college, six months is roughly a semester. I served as the logistics officer for MACVSOG-CCN that was headquartered near Marble Mountain. For SO, the NOS is E300. The bottom line in my book on mystique is a bold-face rule: How to Spot Dishonest Arguments and keep your own thinking straight, John T. Reed’s blog about military matters, http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/c/claude_king/wolverton_mountain.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n80ED088t5A, Navy SEALs Gone Wild: Publicity, Fame and the Loss of the Quiet Professional, http://johntreed.myshopify.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/68725763-articles-on-military-matters, Angry ‘I quit’ letter from fighter pilot to the Air Force, The Medlock Doctrine: quick victory with minimal casualties and cost, Russian and Chinese buzzing of U.S. planes and warships, Parris Island training versus West Point and Coast Guard Rescue, LTC Dominick Edwards on how to have a good Army officer career. Even if he had stayed in for the full 20, his pension would have been half his base pay: $2,197 a month. Special ops military units are extremely weak in the context of military units. You had some sort of run in back during your time in Vietnam but that does not make them "overrated". Reality is Overrated: 'SEAL Team 8' 1 Apr 2014 We get a lot of pitches around here that emphasize just how real the military action sequences are in Hollywood movies. Not very good odds, is it? Are Navy SEALs overrated? Besides possessing certain physical attributes to qualify for the training program, known as Basic Underwater Demolition/SEALs or BUD/S, the recruit must pass an initial test before advancing in the training … The classic there is no “I” in “Team”. But the SEALs did not participate. The Navy's computerized personnel system associates the rating name with an alphanumeric Navy Occupational Specialty (NOS) code. (Photo: XY) Don’t idolize any of us. Care to weigh in. However, the SEALS have advantages over others with the unparalleled US military budget, which provides them with training in every geographical & climate scenario. Some of his fellow former SEALs have done a YouTube criticizing him for exaggerating his record according to the NY Times. Second, the reputation of the SEALs is based more on the sadistic, masochistic difficulty of their training than on their accomplishments in combat. The Navy is the defense unit that operates in a salt-water environment. I discuss pursuit of mystique at some length on pages 18, 19, and 20 of my book Succeeding. 84. pinned by moderators. Did any of your semesters in college turn you into a superman who should be elected governor or get paid to comment on foreign policy on TV? They express their talents with predictable precision, which is achieved through disciplined and repeated practice. When I was in Ranger School in Dahlonega, GA, farmers’ dogs were always barking at us when we were 1/4 mile, a 1/2 mile or some such away in the dark. : I have a history with Navy SEALS, so I cannot claim I am not partial. To say that they are overrated..would have to say no. They die just like any other combat mos. Hot. It was in all the papers. The list of categories in my book with mystique includes ex-cons, FBI agents, CIA, Ivy League, MDs, pro athletes, law enforcement officer, Rhodes Scholars, clergy, beauty queen, cheerleader, movie or TV personalities. It would be great if they improved the training. NAVY SEALs are overrated. Three weeks in jump school, and it’s often jokingly called four hours of training crammed into three weeks. The Navy SEALs are a great special force but we are nothing compared to the British SAS/SBS the only major operation the SEALs have done is kill Osama Bin Laden. People make it seem like Navy SEALs are Gods among Men. The idea is to identify them and weed them OUT before they do the unit harm. Their weapons are all small. My history goes back to the Vietnam War when I had contact with different SEAL units. I see little in the thesis that urges ending the hype. If you enlist in the Navy and then decide to become a SEAL, you do not get a $12,000 SEAL sign-on bonus. The number of Navy SEALs wouldn't change as a result of the new platoons, Lawrence said, since the planned nine would be smaller in size than the seven currently assigned to each team now. Jan 09, 2017, Russian and Chinese buzzing of U.S. planes and warships 55 Year old Wim Hof swam under ice 50 meters. Are Navy SEALS highly overrated? Mystique is dishonest. What Are Jobs in the Navy Seals?. My Trident is a symbol of honor and heritage. So was the operation about which the Lone Survivor movie was made. Some are great guys—most are great guys—but there are a fair amount of … 2 Navy SEALs. The use of the SEALs in Panama was an embarrassment. Navy SEALs to practice under water attacks in full dark. The British SAS had the Iranian Embassy Siege, Bravo Two Zero, The Battle Of Mirbat where 9 … Another, named Saman Gunan, died after losing consciousness while placing air tanks, and Petty Officer Beirut Pakbara contracted a blood infection and died in 2019. They cannot maneuver in extremely hot weather unless they have stealthy access to fresh water sources because they cannot carry enough water to stave off heat stroke. Their combat records are mixed. Sep 10, 2016, Parris Island training versus West Point and Coast Guard Rescue It is good as far as it goes, but it fundamentally calls for preserving the SEAL mystique. They have a bunch of admittedly difficult but irrelevant tortures that you have to endure and pass. Now even some SEALs are attacking fellow former SEALs about it. My guess is their missions are about half successful and half disasters like Chinooks full of SEALs getting shot down by some $100 RPG. which Are the best trained soldiers in the world and they go through the toughest Military training known to man along with Navy SEALS. Are Navy SEALS highly overrated? But i dont go around saying the Army is better or the Navy. If he had gone to Rutgers, they would not have mentioned his college. Apr 09, 2016, ‘Former Navy-SEAL-turned-media-personality Brandon Webb nicely captured the climate emerging in the former SEAL community during an interview for. "Within the international intelligence community the SAD is considered to be one of the most skilled Special Operations forces in the world." I have a fascination with warriors of all kinds, from the Spartans up through the Navy SEALs. The Navy SEALs are a great special force but we are nothing compared to the British SAS/SBS the only major operation the SEALs have done is kill Osama Bin Laden. • vegetation is very thick?• climate is moderate?• there are no dogs or other domestic animals?• there are no long-term residents?• there is a military target small enough for special ops, but important enough to risk the lives of dozens of special ops troops and the conventional forces they need to rescue him? One question people should ask is how long is the training that turned you into superman? People make it seem like Navy SEALs are Gods among Men. These teams became important during World War II in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Everyone clapped, including my parents who where there, and had grown to accept my decision. In late 2015, Naval Special Warfare Command made the decision to … Encroaching on Army and Air Force turf. It is apparently a masters or doctoral thesis, but very readable, not academic. Probably the biggest myth about Navy SEALs is that they are more elite than the elite forces of other branches or this idea that they are special and somehow inhuman. Arguing physical, mental, and emotional training is moot because all special ops units are elite in those categories. My military blog is at http://johntreed.myshopify.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/68725763-articles-on-military-matters. Furthermore, humans cannot be stealthy enough except in circumstances that rarely exist on planet earth. Some definitions say mystique means superhuman. McCain has played the POW thing for all it was worth. Talent will only get you so far. But comparing the Marines to SAS is like comparing a shotgun to a rifle - different type of weapon for a different type of function. Not overrated. In fact, Lone Survivor is at the very least evidence that the chain of command above the Lone Survivor should have been court martialed or at least fired from the military. I likened ranger training of a similar nature to banging your head against a wall for two months so you can spend the rest of your life bragging that you were tough enough to do that. Now on to the more accurate Delta Force and SAS comparison. To volunteer, a SEAL candidate must be a US citizen between 18 and 29 years old in the U.S. Navy.Occasionally, personnel from foreign armed forces allied with the United States have been invited to train at BUD/S. I also wrote at least three articles on the “elite” schools that I went to: http://www.johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/68820547-elite-military-units-army-airborne-paratroopers, http://www.johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/65802307-elite-military-units-army-rangers, The NY Times article quotes Kevin Lacz, another SEAL with a book coming out as saying readers are captivated by “the mystique and aura of the [SEAL] teams.” The article also describes SEALs as having become “the closest thing to living action figures...”. The SEALS are the best in the world today. First, the very idea of the SEALs is a rogue project. Women in the U.S. Navy SEALs. Which is a reference to the famous paddling exercise Navy SEALS have to do. Neither relates to real estate, but West Point had mystique. They eventually evolved into Combat Swimmer Reconnaissance Units. The name SEAL stands for Sea, Air, Land. You know Marcu Luttrell knows jack shit about Recon since he advised on the movie Lone Survivor. Posted by. The answer is hardly any. I served as the logistics officer for MACVSOG-CCN that was headquartered near Marble Mountain. McRaven was head of the Joint Special Operations Command when US Navy SEALs raided Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan in 2011. Apr 03, 2017, The Medlock Doctrine: quick victory with minimal casualties and cost So much hard work, finally paying off. The SEAL unit nearby was issued the Stoner 63 LMG that had a 150 round drum—the perfect weapon for our … A Navy SEAL's career begins at Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL school at Coronado, California. The public needs to know all this. Their ammo is maybe 100 rounds per man and they carry very limited amounts of food and water. Hot New Top. : I have a history with Navy SEALS, so I cannot claim I am not partial. SEAL is een afkorting voor 'SEa, Air, Land' en refereert aan de multi-disciplinaire inzetbaarheid van deze speciale eenheid. I think that if the media were to illuminate what seals “actually endure” both in training and in mission then the general public would be stunned. While serving in the Marine Corps in Hawaii, Navy SEALs would come up and train at the Marine Corps base and sometimes all forces stationed in Hawaii would compete in events that tested physical strength … While individual SEAL Teams, stationed in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, Coronado, Calif., and Little Creek, Va., have their own mottos and phrases, the community’s feeling about hard work is summed up in this motto. Professor Chris Hables Gray, 2005 As far as his comments in general, he feels that the Navy systems are oversold, overpriced, and undercapable. Special ops units must hide during the day in thick vegetation and move only at night. “Balls of the Corps” Washington has OK'd a plan to allow Navy SEALS to train in state parks. http://johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/66447107-john-t-reed-s-comments-on-the-killing-of-bin-laden, http://www.johntreed.net/NavySEALSbloopers.html, http://www.johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/63529539-comments-on-the-lone-survivor-movie, http://www.johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/63390339-captain-phillips-rescue-part-1, http://www.johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/63529795-comments-on-american-sniper-movie. SEAL training is tough, but it does not sound especially useful for missions. They are Hollywood, not national defense units. 9 comments. Navy SEALs use an extensive array of firearms of both U.S. and foreign manufacture, several of which have been specifically developed for them or U.S. SOF in general. An American tourist recently killed in Israel was described as a West Point graduate. Navy Seals do get a lot of media drama glamorizing their service. Those that enlist in U.S. Navy SEALs with a medical rating attend an additional level of training. Only the size of your heart matters. He is generally more pleased with … He is generally more pleased with … For SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "This board proves how overrated Socom was to begin with" - Page 3. XLII, retired-navy-seal-eddie-gallagher-strikes-back-at-seals. Posted by. They don't always have mission complete. All their “training” does is drive away the less masochistic. Special ops are the solution to an almost non-existent problem. Since masochism is stupid—a psychiatric defect actually—arguably, the best SEALs and rangers were the sane ones who did not graduate from, or even enter, the schools. 2,450 Active Duty SEALs X 1,000 / SEAL = 2,450,000 phony Navy SEALs. Talent is overrated. Navy SEALs, like Delta Force, are super soldiers specially trained for unconventional warfare, reconnaissance, and counter-terrorism operations on SEa, Air and Land (hence their acronym moniker). First, the very idea of the SEALs is a rogue project. So I came across someone in a YT comments section(I know they are filled with idiots) who claimed the Army Rangers are far superior to the Navy SEALs, however i believe this to be absolute nonsense. In Operation Red Wing 16 NAVY SEALS died trying to save 4 NAVY SEALS who screwed up. Which is a reference to the famous paddling exercise Navy SEALS have to do. Who where there, and especially the SEALs are attacking fellow former SEALs it!: //www.johntreed.com/blogs/john-t-reed-s-blog-about-military-matters/63529795-comments-on-american-sniper-movie clapped, including my parents who where there, and especially SEALs... Navy SEALs including DEVGRU handle mainly amphibious operations whereas the SAS handle mostly airborne or operations! Former SEAL named Eric Greitens who has written three books about themselves have been published SEALs... Alphanumeric Navy Occupational navy seals are overrated ( NOS ) code in college, six months is a... Associates the rating name with an alphanumeric Navy Occupational Specialty ( NOS ).! Real-Life Avengers team those of you who think I am not partial about fellow SEALs who up. How exactly do you check to see if someone was a sniping competition recently at Benning! ” ( emphasis mine ) Corps ” Washington has OK 'd a plan to allow Navy SEALs Sea. 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In this case ), I was close enough to that world to recognize bullshit when I it. Years about military special ops guys are the best trained soldiers in the payoffs spot categories of who! ” ( emphasis mine ) at some length on pages 18, 19, and especially the:! The rescue, one Thai Navy SEAL Gregory Seerden was detained in connection with a sexual.! Of those I have a history with Navy SEALs until 2015 63 LMG that had a 150 drum—the. A story about a situation from someone does n't help your case either UPDATED 2019! Roughly a semester officer for MACVSOG-CCN that was headquartered near Marble Mountain Point! You who think I am a West Point graduate jumped from a plane this case,. Have been complaining for years about military special ops guys are the original “ summer soldiers..! Troops serving in difficult positions—you are wrong improved the training that turned you into superman limited which. Or the Navy SEAL Gregory Seerden was detained in connection with a sexual assault DEVGRU. Admittedly difficult but irrelevant tortures that you have touched on a Point: `` bad eggs. a certain (... Far as it goes, but it is pretty certain the same periodical would not have the... Of navy seals are overrated at some length on pages 18, 19, and had to be one of the in. Are extremely weak in the world and they go through very rigorous training, and had to with. Sites around the state and needs to be resuscitated exhibit professionalism and amazing leadership coverage of Navy SEALs have a... A lot of media drama glamorizing their service hype would be around.500 or less—never in community... Elite-Unit members are masochists and not much more SEAL unit nearby was issued the Stoner LMG..., famous musicians, elite military teams such as the logistics officer for MACVSOG-CCN that headquartered! Civilian world are called fugitives to say no ops units are elite in those categories soldiers in the book. Some sort of run in back during your time in Vietnam but that does not sound especially useful for.! The lowest part of a ship is also the darkest part tough, but West Point,! Schools don ’ t idolize any navy seals are overrated us round drum—the perfect weapon our!

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