*AAP Nitrofurazone; Furan 2 (manufactured by API). *AAP Metronidazole (manufactured by SeaChem) It provides relief from bacterial infections such as body fungus, gill disease, fin rot and popeye in freshwater aquariums. Product Resource: AAP Spectrogram; Synergistic Kanamycin/Nitrofurazone, The above point is often missed by well meaning aquarists (often in many forums that love to recommend Maracyn-2). Water changes remove nitrates and pollutants from the aquarium. Direct application of Silver Nitrate or Potassium Permanganate may be necessary for severe cloudy eyes (cataract like eye infections). Streptococcus, Eye Infections Further Reference: TB in Fish, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Neomycin is found in this product (Recommended place to purchase to support this free information): As well Metronidazole is effective for some protozoa (especially internal flagellates). Unfortunately, Isoniazid has become very difficult to obtain since the premier aquarium medications company, "Aquatronics" went out of business due to the declining business climate in the aquarium industry. The claim is a noticeable health improvement of certain fish. To prepare medicated fish food with flake, FD, or frozen fish food; In fact pharmaceutical grade AAP Furacyn is generally my fist choice for ulcerations/sores (note Furan 2 is NOT pharmaceutical grade). Use In Fresh and Saltwater Aquariums. USE: This antibiotic is best used mixed in with food, especially if your ph is above 8.0. For step-by-step instructions, see our article on how to use aquarium salt to treat fish diseases. In fact when combined with some Sulfa based medications, it produced a synergism or addition in 85% (similar to how Kanamycin and Nitrofurazone produce a synergism that treats Columnaris and Aeromonas that when treated alone, often results in failure). Not for human consumption or for the treatment of fish intended for human consumption. The non ionized from of the drug is considerably more permeable to cells, and this probably explains the increased antimicrobial activity that is observed in alkaline pH, which is why Erythromycin is more effective in pH over 7.2. Another form for Nitrofurazone that is especially useful for infections in cooler water environments, goldfish & koi, and even plants (for a 1/2 hour bath/soak) is Nitrofura G (aka Nitrofuracin Green Powder). Tetracycline Hydrochloride is generally more effective for aerobic bacteria (which Columnaris is only aerobic however Aeromonas and many other pathogens can be anaerobic). If used EXACTLY as prescribed, these are some of the better fish treatment combinations I have every used and is especially good when fish are dying suddenly for causes that are not clear. *Columnaris (Flexibacter) Antibiotics against (thick wall) gram positive pathogens prevent the build up and repair of the cell wall whicheventually will lead to the cell content leaching out, consequently killing the pathogen. However Trimethoprim has no proven effectiveness for anaerobic infections, so if the causes of an Aeromonas is anaerobic (which most are), then this or antibiotics containing Trimethoprim would be a poor choice. Of course, as I'm sure you know it has practically wiped out your cycle at … After a short while, it could be seen the Cyanobacteria was reacting to the erythromycin. Kanamycin works especially well in salt water aquariums. *AAP PolyGuard (as quinacrine). DOSAGE: 250 mg per 10 gallons every 48 hours (24 hours for severe issues) with a 25% water change before each treatment. Nevertheless, it is the immune system that cures the disease not the antibiotic. Hemorrhagic Septicemia. As noted a few times earlier in this article, Kanamycin works well combined concurrently with Nitrofurazone for flexibacter (Columnaris), which may includes these symptoms; fuzzy, thin, white "saddles" on the body and fins. If such treatment is used, monitor ammonia and nitrite levels closely for several weeks. I generally reserved stronger treatments such as the Furan 2/Kanamycin combination (Spectrogram) for later or full blown infections (which were more common with "fish doctor" calls, not my regular clients). Isoniazid Can be combined with Kanamycin or Neomycin. Folic acid is a large molecule and is unable to enter bacterial cells, so the bacteria must synthesize the compound intracellularly. It is also useful for damaged fins caused by fin nipping. "I don't know who told you that the erythromycin wouldn't hurt the nitrifying bacteria, but let me put this in perspective. The premier product for a constant supply of positive mineral ions, as well as a medicated version from the ONLY online seller with 35 years use and experience of what this product can and cannot do. This is my preferred way to treat with this antibiotic. See more: Do Fish Drink, Osmorgulation. For tuberculosis, use for up to 30 days (Can be and should be combined with other treatments such as Isoniazid for Fish TB). Probably the Aquarium Industries top fish remedy manufacturer, Aquatronics (that unfortunately went out of business), used Metronidazole in many of its multi antibiotic remedies as it very useful in combination. Especially useful for fin and tail rot. However many bacterial pathogens have developed resistance to Tetracycline Hydrochloride. Neomycin is very effective when used in feeding due to the fact that this antibiotic does not get absorbed. If the cells cannot effectively communicate with each other, then excessive immune response may be reduced. Due to Metronidazole effectiveness against anaerobic bacteria (by selectively blocking some of the cell functions of anaerobic bacteria) this drug along with Neomycin is a good choice for bloating of the digestive tract (common in goldfish). The reason is that although Maracyn–Two (Minocycline) is a good product/medication when used in the right conditions for the right problem (of which it is relatively wide spectrum), the problem is that most aquariums I have either encountered or have been sent the water parameters for (emailed, etc.) A better choice then would be a pure Sulfa product or other medication combination. Treat every 48 hours (24 hours for severe problems) with a 25% water change before each treatment. Chloroquine Phospate is a drug that degrades quickly in water and must be pure to be effective, with most aquatic sources are not 99% pure. In fact there is sadly much misinformation about the use of Erythromycin for "True Fungus" which is incorrect as one Betta Forum diagnostics incorrectly recommended Erythromycin for Fungus which any check of most medical literature will show NO recommendations for such treatment. Metronidazole is unique in some of its effectiveness and is excellent to combine with other treatments especially when affecting a cure is difficult (such as many internal parasites). PLEASE NOTE!! *Columnaris (Flexibacter) in Fish Source for these products (Recommended place to purchase to support this free information): Dietary deficiencies can shorten the lifespan of fish, cause diseases, and contribute to a deteriorating water quality. Kanamycin can also be purchased separately and combined with Nitrofurazone such as in the only pharmaceutical grade product "AAP Furacyn" (as well as the much less effective non pharmaceutical grade Furan 2). Developed by the Danish physician Hans Christian Gram, Gram stained bacteria samples with the coloring agent crystal violet then applied potassium iodide resulting in a water insoluble blue-purple discoloration of the bacteria. As AAP provides little income for its owner after paying staff (including to help others) & upkeep of this information! Effective for some Gram-negative bacteria- Open red sores or ulcerations, intestinal infections, fin and tail damage. Kanamycin is a water-soluble aminoglycoside antibiotic that is derived from the bacterium Streptomyces kanamyceticus and has a very low adsorption rate in the intestine of animals including fish. In Freshwater, treatment can be improved by soaking food as well and this is still an effective freshwater treatment as well. As well Nitrofurazone is often effective for the related Vibrio and similar bacterial species. This would not only include and in-tank treatment but use as part of a "Fish Bath" treatment too. Generally a good pharmaceutical grade Nitrofurazone product such as AAP Furacyn is my first choice this use (note the popular product Furan 2 is NOT pharmaceutical grade), but Sulfas are a good 2nd choice that should be considered should Nitrofuarzone fails. Nitrofurazone is also very effective for many coldwater fish infections and combines well with Malachite Green products to prevent secondary infections (especially in outbreaks of Ich). Bacterial Diseases in Marine Aquarium Fish How to Maintain a Saltwater Aquarium NOTE: Not recommended in combination with Malachite Green based on the fact Malachite Green is generally used for external parasites that can lower red blood cell count and that MG is more effective & safe at higher calcium levels while Tetracycline is the opposite. Another note with Tetracycline Hydrochloride is that it is easily absorbed where calcium is present in larger quantities, which often renders this antibiotic useless in saltwater and high GH (hard water) freshwater aquariums. *Best not used concurrently with other antibiotics or chemical treatments (including Malachite Green (See note), although use in a bath with Methylene Blue is OK. API QUICK START contains live nitrifying bacteria to strengthen the biological filter. The most common pathogen in the aquarium are the aeromonad species for freshwater and its counterpart vibrionaceae in marine and reefs. For this reason, Nitrofurazone is a good next step treatment for wounds and other topical infections when first step treatments such as Pimafix or Melafix fail. The simple formula is AAP Furan 2 (Nitrofurazone) at regular dose combined with Methylene Blue at 1/2 recommended dose. Animals including fish do not have 50 S ribosomal subunits, but have ribosomes composed of 40 S and 60 S subunits. (it is also NOT used as a Fish/Aquarium Cleaner), References: DOSAGE: 500-750 mg per 20 gallons. Both are gram negative and everywhere present in the aquarium as part of the bacterial flora. I also have used it … Unfortunately this is done all too often, especially for the treatment of Columnaris (Flexibacter). USE: Oxytetracycline & Doxycycline will treat gram-positive (such as Streptococcus) and some gram-negative bacteria (such as some Vibrio species) found in aquarium/pond environments. Open Red Sores. When NOT treated concurrently (such as using Furan 2 which is every day vs. Kanplex which is every other day), this synergistic affect is much less pronounced, As well since Nitrofurazone is often better topically for Aeromonas while Kanamycin's skin absorbing properties combine well with Nitrofurazone for Columnaris. Triple Sulfa is often a good choice when there is an infection caused by a scrape, abrasion, or similar. Erythromycin is a primarily gram positive antibiotic with a slightly "wider" antimicrobial spectrum to otherwise similar to penicillin. Certain resistant microorganisms with mutational changes in components of this sub-unit of the ribosome fail to bind the drug. In most countries access to antibiotic medications is restricted to some degree. PLEASE NOTE that while Chloroquine MAY have shown promise as a treatment for the Covid-19 Virus, likely due to known anti-viral capabilities, NO PERSON should take a fish medication to self treat especially taking 10 times the normal human dose as happened in Arizona. While many of medications can be blended, they do not have the full synergistic kick unless blended intentionally in ratios that also allow for optimum concurrent use. For more about Usnea, please see this Aquarium Answers article: Even with Erythromycin Phosphate, it is still not the antibiotic or antimicrobrial of choice for fish fin rot. *Do NOT use with fish suffering from ammonia/nitrite poisoning, acute damage from exposure to high heat, or with fish with low red blood cell count (anemia) such as suffering from an acute gill infestation of Velvet, Ich, Flukes or similar parasites that attacks the gills and thus renders a fish anemic Mardel Maracyn® is a specially compounded broad-spectrum antibiotic (erythromycin) which has been shown to be effective against a number of pathogenic bacteria associated with ornamental fish disease. API FIN & BODY CURE Freshwater Fish Treatment should only be used in freshwater aquariums. Another often effective use of Erythromycin is for eye infections, both pop eye and cloudy eyes (cataract like infections), however in both cases a medicated Methylene Blue/Salt bath should also be part of the treatment (if possible, as some large fish this is not possible). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ABOUT/ USE: SOME cases of Fin and tail rot, infections attributed to kidney disease (often not true kidney infections), some causes of pop eye, False Neon Tetra Disease/FTD, and certain causes of "Black Molly disease". *Best not used concurrently with other antibiotics or chemical treatments, although use in a bath with Methylene Blue is OK. Round out your hard work and maintenance efforts with naturally purifying ALGONE… learn more. Product Resources: discus cichlids) or primitive immune systems (e.g. treats gram positive bacteria. OPTION THREE;; use Nitrofurazone (AAP Furan 2), AAP Super Ich Plus OR Medicated Wonder Shell, & Metronidazole for an excellent parasitic, fungal, & moderate bacterial infection treatment. Favorite Answer The Erythromycin shouldn't harm your snail or your plants at all. If combined with Furan 2, it is not quite as effective since these have different treatment schedules due to the fact Furan 2 is not very pure & requires daily treating unlike Kanaplex or Furacn. However this is not a "best product" for this use in our aquarium fish. document.write("

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