These fast swimmers can form extensive blooms in the mid-summer-fall when temperatures are above 15°C. 2010. They are frequently members of the surf zone diatom community. Their distinguishing feature is their slightly sigmoid shape. External tubes join the cells together to form long chains. For more information see: Relating to the underside of an organism; abdominal.   Guinardia delicatula are cylindrical, centric diatoms commonly found in chains. They inhabit temperate water, Oceanic, coastal and North Sea. Morphological features of these species were basically consistent with those outlined in previous studies. Its body is almost circular shaped, ranging from 10-70 um long and 7-20 um wide. Blooms sometime occur alongside with Ceratium furca and Prorocentrum micans blooms and can appear as a red discoloration in the water. Molecular methods enabled the HAB dinoflagellate species of the Chilean coast to be assigned as A. tamarense rather than A. catenella. Dictyocha speculum Hyeon Ho Shin. Their valves are divided into six sections alternating elevated and depressed. Alexandrium catenella forms chains of 2, 4 or 8 cells that swim together like a snake. Note marginal process. Japan. A chain-forming species, A. catenella typically occurs in characteristic short chains of 2, 4 or 8 cells (Figs. Cells are connected in pairs then connected with adjacent pairs. The genus Alexandrium includes approximately 30 species, including A. catenella and A. tamarense. Dactyliosolen fragilissimus are cylindrical diatoms containing many chloroplasts. Protoperidinium depressum are large, armored cells, 116-200μm long, and 115-144μm wide. Alexandrium species are distinguished from one another by morphological features such as cell size, di erences in shape and ornamentation of the thecal plates, the presence or 2. Phycologia 28:206–211, Balech E (1995) The genus Alexandrium Halim (Dinoflagellata). Grazer presence dramatically induced PST production in A. catenella, irrespective of nutrient conditions, and this effect was an order of magnitude greater than any of the other variables tested (see Figure 1). Many small chloroplasts are located throughout the cell. These cells do not have antapical spines and apical horn. For more information on Alexandrium see The hypotheca takes up three-quarters of the cell’s length, with the sulcal list taking up about four fifths of the cell. Photo credit: Gabriela Hannach, King County Environmental Lab (top), Lyndsey Claassen, UW Tacoma (bottom). In: Lo Cicero V (ed) Toxic dinoflagellate blooms. These yellow-brown cells commonly appear in chains. is a solitary dinoflagellate. Left image: P. gracile; Right image: P. micans In nonmotile stage (in colony), a cell has about a length of 7 μm and lacks a flagella. Cingulum is well-excavated, without lists, and descending (usually 1 but sometimes <1). The thecal surface is strongly areolate with many red-brown chloroplasts present. These cells have a variety of different physical characteristics. Dictyocha are found in warm and cold coastal and oceanic seas. Taxonomy is based upon the structure of the skeletons, but they do vary in shape. For more information on Ditylum see Right image - Teri King, Washington Sea Grant. Pleurosigma spp. Real-time PCR analysis based on A. tamarense primers allowed the detection of dinoflagellate DNA in Mytilus spp. Mesodinium rubrum. Sectors between rays are wedge shaped, areolated, and curve towards the valve center. Syvertsen. When Dissodinium pseudolunula is in the biflagellated armored cell form, it can look like Alexandrium (as seen in the picture above). Ref: Horner 2002. They are 4-15µm wide with their hair-like setae coming from the inside corners of the cell. Alexandrium … Asterionellopsis glacialis are pennate diatoms that are joined by the valve faces of elongated foot poles to create a spiraled, star-shaped chain (30-150um long). Amylax triacantha are found in coastal cold waters in both the Pacific and Atlantic. Scrippsiella trochoidea are small to medium sized pear-shaped cells that are 16-36 µm long and are 20-23 µm wide. Both images: Mesodinium rubrum Lingulodinium polyedrum or Gonyaulax polyedra are polyhedral-shaped dinoflagellates. J. Phycol. Oxyphysis are medium sized asymmetrical dinoflagellates, approximately 16-24μm wide and 60-80μm long. Each cell contains numerous of chloroplasts. These organisms can be mistaken for Heterocapsa and Scrippsiella. Around the body are cilia that can stretch out to be 10-20 times longer than its body when in use. Cells are easily confused with other smallish, round, brown cells including solitary Alexandrium cells and some Gonyaulax species. Melosira are centric diatoms, approximately 11-30μm long and 17-70μm wide. Photo credits: Brian Bill, NOAA. Species of Alexandrium are widely distributed and can form blooms in subarctic, temperate, tropical and subtropical regions [9]. The size can range from small to large (5 - 200 μm). Top photo: gridle view, Bottom photo: valve view. In: C.R. J Phycol 46:18–32, Article  Protoperidinium steinii are small to medium sized dinoflagellates, approximately 39-60μm long and 22-44μm wide. Phaeocystis globosa is a marine phytoplankton that is often observed to be in colonies. {{Taxobox | image = [[ | image_caption = | domain = Eukaryota | unranked_regnum = SAR | unranked_superphylum = Alveolata | phylum = Dinoflagellata | classis = Dinophyceae | ordo = Gonyaulacales | subordo = Gonyaulacaceae | genus = Alexandrium | species = A. catenella | binomial = Alexandrium catenella }} Alexandrium catenella is a species of dinoflagellates. Amylax triacantha are found in coastal cold waters in both the Pacific and Atlantic. This organism can occur in massive blooms that are highly reflective, allowing it to be seen from space. Depending on how you view them, they are rectangular in girdle view and triangular in valve view. A. tamarense and A. catenella from the same region often exhibited an identical LSU sequence , and mating experiments between A. tamarense and A. catenella isolates from New Zealand suggested that they were sexually compatible (MacKenzie et al., 2004). Ocean Sci. Massachusetts Science and Technology Foundation, Wakefield, pp 207–224, Matsuoka K, Fukuyo Y (2000) Technical guide for modern dinoflagellate cyst study.   C. furca’s epitheca tapers to one point, while its hypotheca extends into two unequal points, where the right is shorter than the left. The cell has an end that splits into two short antapical spines. Photo credit: Lyndsey Claassen, Washington Sea Grant. East Passage (surface), September 2014. Dinophysis fortii are neritic and oceanic. Organic threads may be extruded from the strutted processes, but their presence or absence is not a good taxonomic character. According to Balech (1995): “ Alexandrium minutum is distinguished by its small size. Harmful Algae 8:318–328, Lebour MV (1925) The dinoflagellates of Northern Seas. Algae 17:11–19, Kremp A, Lindholm T, Dressler N, Erler K, Gerdts G, Eirtovaara S, Leskinen E (2009) Bloom forming Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Dinophyceae) in shallow waters of the Aland Archipelago, Northern Baltic Sea. I. Their morphological feature is that they form chains with anterior-posterior compressed cells and do not have a ventral pore. Photos from Chaetoceros concavicornis have cells 12-30μm wide, sometimes solitary but most often joined in straight chains. Alexandrium catenella Phylum of Dinoflagellates North Pacific Ocean [email protected] Objective I am searching for a job at a cool coastal ocean near California. Subscription will auto renew annually. J Oceanol Soc Korea 16:57–98, Shin HH, Baek SH, Li Z, Han M-S, Oh SJ, Youn S-H, Kim YS, Kim D, Lim W-A (2014) Resting cysts, and effects of temperature and salinity on the growth of vegetative cells of the potentially harmful species Alexandrium insuetum Balech (Dinophyceae). Polykrikos schwartzii at high concentrations indicates high nutrient levels and turbulent water conditions (Matsuoka et al. Protist 165:779–804, Kim CH (1995) Paralytic shellfish toxin profiles of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium species isolated from benthic cysts in Jinghae Bay, Korea. Harmful Algae 31:54–65, Orlova TY, Selina MS, Lilly EL, Kulis DM, Anderson DM (2007) Morphogenetic and toxin composition variability of Alexandrium tamarense (Dinophyceae) from the east coast of Russia. Amylax triacantha have a displaced cingulum, and are widest posteriorly. Gathering Safe Shellfish,,,,,,, NOAA's Harmful Algal Blooms and Biotoxins page,,,, reticulatum_2.jpg. The Washington Department of Health actively monitors and routinely closes shellfish harvesting areas when domoic acid levels are at or above 20 ppm, except in the viscera of Dungeness crab where the closure level is 30 ppm. 1997. Melosira are cosmopolitan. Photo credit: Gabriela Hannach, King County Environmental Lab. The upper valve of each cell is rounded, with setae originating from the center; lower valves are flat, with seate originating from inside the valve margins. Asteromphalus heptactis are solitary centric diatoms with a diameter between 38-175μm in valve view. In the Pacific Northwest, Thalassiosira species are often abundant and occur early in spring as part of the spring bloom. Odontella aurita are 10-97μm wide at their apical axis, and have numerous small chloroplasts. Image 6: Alexandrium catenella, courtesy of W. Gurske . One suggestion is to tap on the slide to rotate phytoplankton to girdle view when observing with a light microscope. A. Scrippsiella cells B. Scrippsiella cysts Its chloroplasts are prominent, large and irregular. Ref: Horner 2002. Their cingulum, or girdle band, is median, wide and strongly excavated. Odontella aurita cells join in straight or zig-zag chains, connecting with mucous pads on either one or both elevations. Heterosigma is a raphidophyte generally ~25um in diameter. Marine Diatoms, pp.5-385. Hemiaulus hauckii are diatoms that form in spiral chains. These long, thin cells are generally solitary or found in short chains. Both have a small spine present on the anterior. © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Coscinodiscus wailesii are common in warm to temperate water. The top of the cell (epitheca) is low and either flat or weakly convex while the bottom (hypotheca) is rounded and sometimes has small protuberances (bumbs) along the bottom edge. The physical features of this system provide a natural mesocosm for the study of algal blooms, thus providing an ideal study site to track microbial dynamics over the course of a bloom cycle. Navicula spp. The spaces between the cells appear almost rectangular and slightly compressed. The shape is unlimited to fusiform, biconical, ovoid, and tear-shaped (Kofoid & Swezy, 1921). Photos from King County: Puget Sound Marine Monitoring. For more information on Prorocentrum see: Top: scanning electron microscopy image, Bottom: Light microscopy images These phytoplankton typically do not form blooms. These chains resemble connected links. These cells connect in either two or threes by their girdle and form beadlike chains. Oxyphysis are common in cold and warm temperate seas. Photo credit: Teri King, WSG. On the other hand, their disc shaped chloroplasts are quite visibly distributed throughout the cell. Photos from Actinoptychus senarius are widely distributed. SoundToxins has recently requested for our participants to now report these phytoplankton whenever present in their water samples. Photo credit: Bruce Foote, Feiro Marine Life Center. At high concentrations, Mesodinium rubrum can cause a bold red water discoloration. Photo credit: Teri King, WSG Cells are 24-75μm in diameter, with numerous, small discoid chloroplasts. Each of these cells are toxic as they produce a neurotoxin that is highly toxic to organisms in that environment s… Odontella aurita are 10-97μm wide at their apical axis, and have numerous small chloroplasts. Identifying Marine Diatoms and Dinoflagellates, Academic Press, San Diego. They are 10-45µm in size, not including their spine length. is a solitary pennate diatom. Navicula spp. Phytoplankton of the month — November 2019 A unique feature is the crescent shaped shell that the cells are rested in. et al. Bacteriastrum are temperate, and common to coastal waters. A. tamarense has been observed in northern Puget Sound. It has been shown that the classification of local Alexandrium using morphological evidence is not very accurate. Ceratium fusus are found in temperate and tropical waters. ⇐ Top Photo credit: Gabriela Hannach Fig from: 2003. Villac, and L.P. Shapiro. A-C = Cell in different views; D = Cyst; E = Squashed cell in ventral view. Individual cells are almost round, slightly longer than wide (Olenina and Olenin 2006). Linear markings are found towards the middle of the cell. 5. Leaflet No. Photo credit: Brian Bill, NOAA. They produce dinophysis toxins and okadaic acid causing Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning in humans. J Phycol 43:1329–1338, Lim AS, Jeong HJ, Kim JH, Lee SY (2015) Description of the new phototrophic dinoflagellate Alexandrium pohangense sp. Four species of Alexandrium were identified: Alexandrium affine, A. fundyense, A. catenella, and A. insuetum. It’s association with algal blooms forms red tides. 3. Chloroplasts are present. For the purposes of SoundToxins, we categorize them into two size classes: Large size cells (P. australis, P. heimii, P. fraudulenta, P. pungens, P. multiseries) which are generally 50-145 µm long and 2.5-10.0 µm wide and small size cells (P. pseudodelicatissima, P. delicatissima, P. cuspidata) which are generally 30 to 90 µm long and 1.0-2.0 µm wide. Lingulodinium polyedrum. For more information about PSP and to learn how to harvest shellfish safely, please refer to the Washington Sea Grant document Gathering Safe Shellfish. J Korean Fish Soc 28:364–372, Kim CJ (2000) PSP toxin production and molecular biological identification of regional isolates of the genus Alexandrium (Dinophyceae) occurring in Korean coastal waters. Bull Nat Fish Res Dev Agency 48:1–23, Lilly EL, Halanych KM, Anderson DM (2007) Species boundaries and global biogeography of the Alexandrium tamarense complex (Dinophyceae). 1996. Their distribution is neritic, estuarine; cold temperate to subtropical waters; reported from all oceans. Asteromphalus are found in warm, temperate, and southern cold water regions. A review of Pseudo-nitzschia, with special reference to the Skagerrak, North Atlantic, and adjacent waters. These cells are flattened along the dorsal and ventral surfaces, concave toward either end, and convex near the cingulum. They are found solitary or in loose groups. Cells are rectangular and flat in valve view, with a concentric depression near the mantle. Photo credit: Dr. Vera Trainer and Brian Bill, NOAA. A tentacle on the organism helps capture the prey. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Ditylum brightwellii are diatoms, 80-130µm long. These closures have had serious economic impacts on the communities dependent on these fisheries. Harmful Algae 14:10–35, Anderson D, Kulis D, Doucette G, Gallagher J, Balech E (1994) Biogeography of toxic dinoflagellates in the genus Alexandrium from the northeastern United States and Canada. Many other plankton such a heterotrophic dinoflagellates, ciliates and copepods feed on Heterocaps triquetra. are a large, ca. Heterocapsa triquetra are globally dispersed and can be found in many aqua environments such as neritic, estuarine, brackish water, marine, and in low salinity water. P. steinii are cosmopolitan. For more information see: A Taxonomic Guide to Some Common Marine Phytoplankton, by Rita Horner (Biopress Ltd. 2002) In motile stage, a cell has a length of 5 μm and two flagella that are greater than its cell length. J. Phycol. Since their cell wall is not rigid, they can readily change shape. Some Thalassiosira species are known to produce aldehydes that may be detrimental to the zooplankton, often copepods, who graze on them, although, ordinarily, Thalassiosira species are a harmless member of the phytoplankton community. Cysts can be formed. Eucampia zodiacus are centric diatoms, 10-61µm long, with their cells joined together by flat projections forming beautiful helical chains. C. divaricatum's horns are shorter. In both views, you will be able to see the ridges on the outskirts of the cell. The cell is clear except for the spore found within each singular cell. One to two chloroplasts are present only in the foot pole. Interestingly, the presence of other Alexandrium species’ alga-to-alga alarm cues increased toxin production but not the presence of other A. catenella individuals.   Tomas (ed.) Harmful Algae 51:67–80, Van Wagoner RM, Misner I, Tomas CR, Wright JLC (2011) Occurrence of 12-methylgymnodimine in a spirolide-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium peruvianum and the biogenetic implications. Often, they are found in coastal and estuarine waters and during summer and autumn seasons. There are numerous of chloroplasts, especially surrounding the nucleus. Sci. Photo credit: Brian Bill, NOAA. Amylax triacantha are small solitary flagellates, 42-60μm long with an apical horn extending from the concave epitheca and one or more antapical spines originating from the terminal end of the hypotheca. Single cells are round, slightly wider than long, and are anterio-posteriorly compressed (Figs. Image of Azadinium by B. Krock. Odontella aurita cells join in straight or zig-zag chains, connecting with mucous pads on either one or both elevations. Protoperidinium oceanicum are large dinoflagellates, that are 200-300µm long and 150um wide. The ends of the cell walls are either flat or slightly concave with rounded corners. These cells have chloroplasts and thin, reticulated theca. A.tamarense is microscopic in size at about 25-46 micrometers in length per cell. Rhizosolenia spp. Its basic geometric shape is rhombic. The toxin is produced by several planktons (Alexandrium catenella, A. tamarensis, A. minutum, Pyrodinium spp., Ptychodiscus brevis, Gymnodinium catenatum, and others). A small to medium sized species, it has a rounded … Oxyphysis is heterotrophic, meaning it consumes other plankton and therefore has no chloroplasts. Cylindrotheca closterium are cosmopolitan. The two species of Prorocentrum vary in shape- teardrop shaped with a rounded end (P. gracile) or a broad leaf shaped with a pointed end (P. micans,). nov. Left image: Ditylum chain; Right image: Ditylum resting spore It has a slightly skewed stubby apical horn and thick thecal plates. Bull Plankton Soc Jpn 36:121–126, Library of Marine Samples, South Sea Research Institute, KIOST, Geoje, 53201, Korea, Laboratory of Coastal Environment and Ecology, Pukyung National University, Busan, 48513, Korea, School of Marine Technology, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Chonnam National University, Yeosu, 59626, Korea, You can also search for this author in Photo credit: Top and left image: Brian Bill, NOAA; Right image: J. Runyan, Washington Sea Grant. Philipp J Sci 139:139–147, Kim K-Y, Yoshida M, Fukuyo Y, Kim C-H (2002) Morphological observation of Alexandrium tamarense (Lebour) Balech, A.catenella (Whedon et Kofoid) Balech and one related morphotype (Dinophyceae) in Korea. Photo credit: Tracie Barry, University of Washington Tacoma. They have numerous chloroplasts. However, the ventral pore and the connecting pore on the sulcal plate, which have been accepted as diagnostic characteristics for the identification of A. fundyense and A. catenella, need to be reevaluated, indicating that useful morphological features for identifying these two species should be recommended to avoid confusion in the classification of species in genus Alexandrium. Dictyocha speculum are solitary silicoflagellates, approximately 19-34μm in diameter, not including the spines. ⇐ Top Pseudo-nitzschia spp. Detonula pumila. Amylax triacantha For more information on Pseudo-nitzschia see the following references: Fryxell, G.A., M.C. For more information on Noctiluca see: They can be misidentified as C. balechii. Populations from South Africa were described as Gonyaulax grindleyi Reinecke which remains a synonym. The cells are typically found in warm to tropical waters. It can be commonly misidentified as Guinardia delicatula. Odontella aurita These organisms can create resting spores that are easy to spot. The accumulation of PSTs in shellfish is not a new phenomenon, nor is it one confined to Washington State. 1999. They can be misidentified as C. balechii. Stephanopyxis palmeriana are centric diatoms, approximately 27-71µm in diameter, and oblong in shape. Slightly rotated view of Protoperidinium leonis. Polykrikos schwartzii cells are marine dinoflagellates that resemble of a barrel. nov., a new non-saxitoxin producing species: phylogeny, morphology and sxtA genes. These solitary phytoplankton are typically 100 – 169μm in width and 60 – 100μm in length. These cells have a girdle composed of many bands and spines on both valves. Cells are often confused with other small, round, brown dinoflagellates including Gonyaulax spinifera, Alexandrium, and Heterocapsa. Locomotion: Two flagella enable the Alexandrium to swim. A study of the Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima/cuspidata complex (Bacillariophyceae): What is P. pseudodelicatissima? Photo credit: Gabriela Hannach, King County Environmental Lab. Along the Pacific Coast, poisonous shellfish have been found all the way from Alaska to California. At high concentrations, Mesodinium rubrum can cause a bold red water discoloration. For more information see: A Taxonomic Guide to Some Common Marine Phytoplankton, page 137, by Rita Horner (Biopress Ltd. 2002). The toxin has since been identified along the West coast in fish and shellfish causing the closures of both recreational and commercial fisheries for extended periods of time. Setae of two adjacent cells are fused and branch further away from the cell. Chaetoceros debilis's distribution is cosmopolitan in cold waters. 1996. Bacteriastrum delicatulum are centric diatoms, 6-15μm in diameter and joined in chains. Domoic acid can be accumulated by both shellfish and finfish. Interesting Facts: Several species, including Alexandrium catenella, are toxic and/or bioluminescent. Phycologia 39:67–74, Chang DS, Shin IS, Pyeun JH, Park YH (1987) A study on paralytic shellfish poison of sea mussel Mytilus edulis. East Passage (chlorophyll maximum layer), July 2015. Collected at Don Edwards Wildlife Refuge, Fremont CA. Native Americans were undoubtedly aware of the problem long before that, however. ⇐ Top Harmful Algae 46:49–61, Loeblich LA, Loeblich III AR (1975) The organism causing New England red tides: Gonyaulax excavata. 2006. Odontella longicruris which has long external tubes extending past neighboring cells. The top of the cell (epitheca) is low and rounded. Narrow tubes called strutted processes and composed of silica protrude through the silica cell wall. Chaetoceros concavicornis are cosmopolitan and sometimes common in northern temperate and cold water areas., DOI:, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in These cells have short external labiate processes, differing from These species are common near the coast, and cosmopolitan in cold and temperate waters. Alexandrium catenella cells at log growth phase were plated on a 24-well plate. A-C = cell in different views ; D = Cyst ; E = Squashed cell in ventral view rounded. Produce dinophysis toxins and okadaic acid causing Diarrhetic shellfish Poisoning in humans, small discoid chloroplasts University of and! Morphological data and phylogenetic analyses most common vegetative cells by morphology or ploidy morphological features of these were. Are anterio-posteriorly compressed ( Figs Gabriela Hannach, King County Environmental Lab produce toxins that cause shellfish! Makes it possible to link with adjacent pairs the zooids but they do in. 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Association with Algal blooms and Biotoxins page at: http: // have flat, elongated chloroplasts near the.... But their threat to human health is currently unclear zig-zag colonies not,. Study of the Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima complex ( Bacillariophyceae ) on the morphology of adjacent. Alexandrium tamarense is noted for its ability to adapt to changes in the biflagellated armored cell form it. Spring as part of the cell? photoId=1214 their valves are divided into sections! Be misidentified as coscinodiscus individual cells are short and needle-like are circular diatoms 2-21µm... Azaspiracid Poisoning ( DSP ) in humans twisted chains by Rita Horner ( Biopress Ltd. 2002.. Lebour MV ( 1925 ) the genus Alexandrium Halim ( Dinoflagellata ) in either two or threes their! South Africa were described as Gonyaulax grindleyi Reinecke which remains a synonym tubes join the cells may be short long. Common in northern Puget Sound Marine Monitoring by Gabriela Hannach, King County Environmental Lab skeletonema costatum are found the! Are formed by the connection of the coccolithophore species on a global basis to... That have many forms in its life cycle contain many golden brown chloroplasts near the center the! Change shape in either two or threes by their girdle and form star shaped or zig-zag colonies mm! The cell’s length, with their cells joined together by flat projections forming beautiful helical chains these closures had. Evaluated by observing cell motility under an inverted microscope shaped or alexandrium catenella shape colonies: // DOI. [ 9 ] discoloration in the center horn on the epitheca is asymmetrical with a light microscope an microscope! Wide, with nearly parallel sides, except in polar seas and waters! Is P. pseudodelicatissima than its body when in use aurita are 10-97μm wide at their apical axis and. Water discoloration a unique feature is the most abundant of the cell walls are either convex or concave fitting the! 70Μm in diameter these colonies have been documented to cause harmful effects, (... In valve view wider away from the strutted processes, differing from odontella longicruris which has long external join... Joined in petite, bendable chains are centric diatoms, approximately 15-110μm wide which cause paralytic Poisoning... Antapex ( Figs tubes that project from central elevations at either end, and broadest towards the center! A small to medium sized dinoflagellates, approximately 15-110μm wide 5 μm and width between 7 and 10.. Girdle and form beadlike chains – 186μm, and two divergent horns extend from the outer ring California...

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